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chapter inspired by stranger things, season 3 episode 4
and slightly by el_117 (she had done a chapter somewhat like this on her holmesbury story)

the odd symbol had been spray painted against the rough brick wall. it was quite a coincidence actually- but a good one nonetheless.

Enola cautiously went inside, where she found...nothing. nothing at all. the only half interesting thing was the fact that spiderwebs had attached themselves to nearly every object they could find.

but, Enola knew better than to take only one glance before making a rash decision. she walked slowly, not wanting to miss anything. but yet- nothing struck her eye. just some garden tools scattered around the floor along with insects of all sorts.


Enola spun around to see a man sneaking up on her (not very well). there he stood, his large beard draping downwards and his fists clenched.

he swung his first, but luckily Enola dodged it. punches began swing left and right, and unfortunately she wasn't able to dodge them all.

soon she was lying on the floor, but not unconscious...just lying there. his leg came into view, but before she could perform her signature move his hands wrapped around her neck.

she felt herself lose grasp of air as he began to squeeze harder around her neck. her face began to turn an unnatural color of purple. Enola tried to remove his hands, but alas failed. he was too strong- and her energy was drained.

however, just as she felt herself losing the last breath...his grasp released. she plummeted towards the floor as she tried to find her breath once more.

she couldn't quite hear what was happening around her, ash currently she was more focused on not dying.

"Enola! Enola! are you alright?", sh eheard a male voice ask.


a/n: i want to make another holmesbury story...but based in modern times. so if you want to see that then lmk

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