Kindergarden Chaos

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Zoey yawns stretching her arms from her bed as her big puffy hair was in multiple different direction from her sleep.

She opens out of bed in her pink onesie, walking down the stairs until she finally makes to the kitchen where her family was eating breakfast.

"Good morning baby!" Grandad greets her kissing  her on the cheek

"Good morning grandaddy!" Zoey smiles taking a step between her brothers

"Sup Monster Hair." Riley smirks ruffing her hair making Zoey pout with a huff, that's what he called her bed hair because she had so much hair

"Guess what baby girl I've got some good news."Grandad smiles sitting at the table

"We're going to Disney world?!" Zoey asked excited

"No baby today is your first day of kindergarten!"

Zoeys face turns pale, Huey and Riley have told her the horror stories of public schools, the overcrowded hallways, low budgets, the over giant bullies ever

Zoey slows sides off of her seat and books it to the stairs.

"She's making a run for it!" Riley and Huey fly out their chairs to catch up to their younger sister

"Damn I was afraid she react like that." Grandad shakes his head


Zoey screams at the top of her lungs as she has her arms wrapped around the stairway, her hair was now in a high puff and in a black shirt with purple overalls.

"Let go Zoey!" Huey pulls her legs trying to get her to let go.

"Calm down sweetie it's not gonna be that bad." Grandad tries to reason with her.

"Yeah but the janitors take little kids that are lost in the hallway and grinds em up in the mystery meat." Riley makes a scary face towering over his little sister.

Zoey looking very scared let's out a frighten squeals as she holds on even tighter.

"Shut up boy!" Grandad smacks Riley on the back of the head.

Huey finally pulls Zoey off

"This child abuse this is child abuse!!!!" Zoey yells as her brothers dragged her towards the door.

"Have a good day baby girl." Grandad waves awkwardly

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Zoey screams as she dragged out the house.


Zoey continues to struggle as Huey and Riley take her to her classroom

"You struggling is only gonna make me tighten my grip." Huey said unfazed as he dragged her

They finally make to her classroom

"I'm scared w-what if I'm the only black kid?" Zoey hides behind Huey.

"The schools population is 95% black you'll be fine." Huey gently pushes her forehead.

"And if somebody messes with you you let me know." Riley cracked his knuckles.

"And remember."

"If someone tries to touch my hair break their arm in three places." Zoey assures Huey, he gives a small proud smile as he ruffled her hair.

"See ya later short stack!" Riley knocks on the door.

A white woman opened the door looking down at Zoey with a smile "Ah you must be Zoey Freeman! Come on in!" She gestured

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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