Chapter 2-Shadowclan

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Fireheart opened his eyes. Light flooded them. He gazed at his surroundings. He was in a medicine cat's den. There were herbs laid along the walls carefully sorted into categories. He breathed in, the air smelled of rotten prey mixed with a faint tree smell. The smell was incredibly strong, and with it came a strong sense of dread. He was definitely in the Shadowclan camp.

A cat walked into the den.

"Littlecloud," Fireheart mewed, his voice weak and scratchy. "What happened?"

"Bluestar, well, she... I'll let Tigerstar explain," Littlecloud said eventually.

"Alright," Fireheart sighed and let his head fall back.

Tigerstar stalked into the den. He nodded to Littlecloud, signaling for the medicine cat to leave them.

After Littlecloud left, Tigerstar turned back to Fireheart, "Hello kittypet."

"Why did you bring me here? I was trespassing on Shadowclan territory. You could have left me there to fend for myself, wait till I woke up then chase me away, or you could have killed me. So why didn't you?" Fireheart asked quietly.

"So impatient. Maybe I wanted you to watch as your clan falls apart. Maybe I want to watch you suffer. Perhaps I want to keep you trapped here with me, unable to do anything to help your clan."

"You- Why?"

"I don't like Thunderclan. I thought that was obvious."

"But you hate me the most out of them all. You hate that I was a kittypet. You hate me so why am I still alive?!"

"Bluestar betrayed the one cat left she could still trust. She led you straight into my claws. And now, without you, Thunderclan won't do so well. You were pretty much running the clan already. Bluestar had you make most of the choices didn't she?"

"Yes, she did, but-"

"Thunderclan will be struggling without you, Fireheart."

Fireheart sighed. He was worried about his clan. Bluestar was a good leader but she was not in the best state of mind currently. Tigerstar was right in the fact that he was the one mostly leading the clan and with him here, Thunderclan wouldn't stand a chance against Shadowclan if they decided to attack.

"Do you plan to attack Thunderclan?" Fireheart asked, at last, fierce green eyes meeting amber.

"Still putting your clan first even though you're in an enemy camp. Also, do you really think I would tell you if I planned to attack your clan? But more importantly, you should be worried about yourself first. I have many plans for you," Tigerstar mewed, a hint of a cruel laugh in his voice. "Sleep, for now, Kittypet, we will finish this talk later," Tigerstar mewed as he exited the medicine den.

Fireheart sighed and let his head fall back, eyes drooping, as sleep consumed him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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