She wasn't sure if she could even call them her mom and dad, not once have they called her dearly in 17 years.

"It's like you force yourself out of guilt to call me." she explained.

The dark haired boy was being consumed by guilt. He did the same thing when he went to college. He was only calling her because he felt obligated to.

"And whenever you do talk to me, it's all about S/n, how she's doing. You never ask about me, mom. You never ask about how I'm doing."

"I get that you care about her and all but... what about me, mom? Dad?" she asked them.

"Who the hell cares about me then?" she asked them out of frustration, her tears escaping from her eyes.

"I'm important too, right?" she asked them and Kuroo felt his heart ache.

She was never alone back in the states, she surrounded herself with people and often went out whenever she was feeling blue, but she always felt so lonely.

I was never there for you. None of us were.

He thought to himself.

"And- And it f*cking hurts to know everyone will always choose her pathetic and n-needy little side." she said bitterly.

Their mother tried to take a step forward but one of her trusted cousins held her back and then went to her side.

"Well who's on mine?" she asks, with nothing but sadness in her eyes.

I used to be on your side... I should've always been by your side.

"W-when you call me or even look or talk to me, it gives me hope that maybe you actually cared- b-but why won't you show me you really do? Perhaps you dont?"

"When I do something good you don't even acknowledge it." her eyes were beggining to hurt from crying too much.

"The least I want is a "good job.", mom. But no, the best I've ever gotten is a "You could've done better."." she mutters the last part.

"Can't you see I'm trying mom?!" she shouts at her parents.

"I'm trying so f*cking hard!" she punches the stairs' railings, making a loud sound echo throughout the whole house, her family flinching at the sound of her watch flying off her wrist.

"Talk to me."

These were the words her parents have never said to her.

These were the words Kuroo had said, but never meant.

Kuroo realized she had to meet their expectations to not be labeled as a disgrace.

That she had to carry the pressure of being as "great" as her sister all her life with no one to support her, with no one to tell her she doesn't have to try so hard, with no one to hold her hand and tell her she'll be okay, with no one to talk to about her problems or how she felt.

With no one to tell her she's enough.

He used to think he was always there for her, but not anymore.

He knew for sure that he was never there for her at all.

Her family stood there and watched as she hurriedly ran for the door, not bothering to put her shoes on properly.

S/n followed behind her, hoping to catch up to her sister.

Kuroo did the same.

Y/n felt her throat getting dry, it began to slightly hurt. It was a cold night, and she only had a dress to keep her warm.

Kenma took his car and followed behind the bed-headed boy, he'll need it when he takes her back home.

He couldn't even look at his bestfriend right now.

"Y/n!" S/n tried to shout though she was out of breath.

Y/n didn't stop running until she reached the end of the road, there were usually a few cars that passed by during that time but it looked safe.

Her sister quickly caught up to her as she crosses the road, trying to grab her hand but she kept walking away.

"For f*cks sake, leave me alone like you always do." she said irritatedly, her mood switching from sad to angry.

She stopped walking.

"What the hell do you want?" she asks, pushing her hand away.

"I-I just wanted to b-be here for y-" S/n explained.

"Don't act like you aren't the reason why I'm here in the first place." she quickly cut her off, not caring whether or not she was hurt by her choice of words.

"I'm sorry..." S/n apologized.

Y/n stared at her sister's form, how she kept her head down and held her hand as if begging her to forgive her.

"Yeah r-" a bright light shined from the corner of their eyes.

Y/n's eyes widened at the speeding car, the both of them stood there frozen.

Y/n's body moved on her own, pushing her sister away came like a natural reflex.

Only this time, she pushed her away literally.


𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝙆. 𝙏𝙚𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙤 𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎𝙏) Where stories live. Discover now