deal? deal.

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War entered the room and find Yin just finished his shower. Yin pick up his phone and sat on the right side of the bed. Probably playing games. War took his towel and went to the bathroom.

After a 20 minutes long shower, War saw Yin already sleeping as his not using his phone anymore. He walked to the switch and switch off the lights. He climb up the bed and lift the blanket the his chest level.
His body feels refreshed but his mind is not. He kept recalling Yin’s confession.

5 minutes have passed of him falling in his deep thoughts, he came back to his sense and decided to just follow his heart.

from facing back, he turned to face Yin. They’re now facing each other but not long after Yin turned and make War facing his back.

“Yin, are you asleep?” War feels like Yin hasn’t sleep but he’s pretending. He must be avoiding him or hurt by his respond just now.

“Yin?” War tried calling Yin again but still no answer. War scouted closer, he slowly wrapping his arms around Yin’s hips.

“i don’t know if you’re really asleep or not but since you said it, i will say it too.” War took another deep breath before he continue,

“i- i like you too, i like you more than friends too. y-you know that i’m not good at expressing my feelings right. that’s why i acted like that just now. I was overwhelmed and in disbelief because i didn't expect that those words will come out from your mouth tonight. I'm sorry that i hurt your feelings”

he tighten the hugs,

“i’m just shocked to know the fact that you felt the same way as me. it feels surreal but i’m happy”

he buried his face on Yin’s back.

“Yin~ i'm sorry na”

no response.

“why are you sorry”

War startled by Yin’s voice.

“uhm- about just now” replied War, he then slowly pulls his hand away from Yin but Yin stopped him. He pulls War’s hand back to its original position. Yin slowly turned his body to face War.

In the dim light came from the windows, Yin stared into War eyes.

“you like me too?” asked Yin. War lowered his head trying to cover his face but Yin pulled his chin up forcing War to face him. War nodded shyly. Yin smiles at War response to his question.

Yin pulled War into a hug, “ahhh this feels so good” said Yin

“what feels good? hugging me?” asked War as he hugged Yin back.

“both. to know that you like me too and to hug you” answered Yin. War couldn’t help but to smile and tighten the hug.

After a while, War pulled out from the hug and looking for Yin’s eyes.

“Whyyyyy" whines Yin as War pulling out the hugs.

“It’s my birthday, you need to grant me a wish as my birthday present” said War. he then flashed his evil smile.

“i’m not a genie to grant you a wish, can’t i buy you something instead?” Yin complained. What if War want something weird as he know War is unpredictable.

“aw, you don’t want to hear what the wish first?” War is about to sulk as Yin’s reaction is not the same as he thought Yin would do.

“ah okay okay, what is it?” asked Yin.
“be my boyfriend for the whole day today and bring me out to a date after the fanmeet” said War. that’s his wish. for Yin to be his boyfriend. Just for today is already enough to him for now. Yin is speechless by War’s wish.

“so how? you still want to buy me things instead of granting me a wish?” War asked Yin teasingly. Yin shakes his head fast.

“no no of course not, sure. Let’s do it! but why only for today?” said Yin.
“can’t you just be my boyfriend?” added Yin.

now it’s War turns to be speechless. Yin smirked but deep in his heart, he afraid War would not ready yet since it's still not long since they know each other and start working as a pair. This might feels rushed.


“heeyy, i’m kidding.. just one day. okay okay” Yin tried to fix the situation. War stays silent.

“okay, let’s sleep. it’s getting late” Yin pulls the blanket and about to pull War into his hug but War stop him. War hold Yin's hand from pulling his, he then cupped Yin's face with his hands. He approaches Yin's face slowly and planted a peck on his lips. Yin is stunned. His body stiff. His head is still processing the event.

“it’s a deal then” War turned his back after saying that and left the shocked Yin alone. 

“goodnight Yin”

"G-goodnight P'War"

                           ⁃ the end -


p/s : thank you so much for reading this! I wrote this on twitter on War's bday and decided to re-write it here. Hit the 'vote' if you guys like it so i can write more! 🙏❤❤❤

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