Getting to Know Each Other

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(No it's not that way of getting to know each other.)

Knowing I had her, I could only wonder. What happened to give her all these scars? Did she fight a Rex? And why is she so trusting already?

Seeing me conflicted at her actions, she turned her head sideways to look at me better, leaning down and supporting her massive weight with both arms.

Y/n- Hey, girl. We need to get you a name. Well, since you're a dinosaur, and dinosaurs are prehistoric, how about... Hera? No, that's not a good one... Medusa? No, you're right, that's not fitting either. Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong. Wait, you're a Spinosaur, which means you can swim, so how about Nessie? Like the one from Scotland?

She responded by standing up and roaring.

Y/n- That one works, huh? Well then, Nessie it is.

After deciding on a name, I walked back up the stairs to the observation room, Nessie following me with her eyes the whole way.

Claire- I can't believe it. Not only did you get close and survive, but she seems to like you. So, how did you do it?

Y/n- Well, while we were on the island, she noticed me standing in the open instead of running around, because I'm used to the Tyrannosaurus, and I guess she respects that. Plus, as you saw, all of her attempts to scare me off were unsuccessful, and I showed affection when she looked at me, so she knew what I was.

Claire- So, could we replicate it with someone else?

Y/n- Oof, that's a tough one. Nessie's very agressive and nervous, either from living all her years wild, or prior abuse from someone or something, hard to tell. As for getting someone else to trust her, I doubt it. So far, anyone besides me has been either injured or killed immediately without a second of thought, so probably a bad idea. Someone might have a chance if I accompanied them into the enclosure, but no guarantees.

Claire- OK, I'll look into it. For now, focus on, what was it you called her, Nessie? Work with her to get her used to her enclosure, she'll be pretty stressed not being able to walk anywhere she wants.

Y/n- Alright, you should probably go, Nessie seems to dislike you.

Claire- What makes you say that?

Y/n- The fact that she's staring at you with hatred right now.

Claire turned to look at her, her gasping when she saw Nessie right next to the glass, with her furious emerald eyes.

Claire- Oh, I guess you're right, she does seem to have a certain, malice, in her eyes.

Claire opened the outer door to leave, the outside quieter now that everyone had left, aside from a few men to keep watch.

Walking back into the enclosure and down the steps, Nessie looked down at me, her eyes considerably less hateful and more concerned.

Y/n- Don't worry girl, Claire won't hurt you or me, she's a friend, okay? You can't hurt her.

Nessie whined when I said this, apparently she had been trying to get Claire for a bit. I walked around her enclosure with her, both of us finding things in it that she could use, like a pond and the feeding station.

I sat down next to the pond, watching Nessie slink in and swim for a while, before she lumbered back out and laid down next to me.

Then we both heard the door.

A new person had just entered the enclosure, and footsteps could be heard walking down the steps. Nessie stood up and looked over, seeing a man looking around, taking in the environment. Nessie walked forwards and before I could do anything, she had the man in her jaws, crushing him. As his blood poured out between her teeth, she swallowed his body whole and looked over at me expectantly.

When she noticed I was mortified by what she had done, she immediatley retreated into the trees, curling up and looking away from me. I couldn't let her sulk like this and keep away from me, we needed to de-stress her. Slowly moving over to her head, I reached up and patted her nose, letting her know to look at me. She did so, and I hugged her, blood from the man she just ate getting on my shirt, but I didn't care. I needed her to know she wasn't a monster.

Y/n- Nessie, don't worry, it's not you're fault, you didn't know any better. Just because you ate someone doesn't make you evil. It just makes you scary. And my girl isn't scary, she's nice and big, but not a monster.

At least not in my eyes.

Teeth and Spines (F Spinosaurus x F Caretaker)Where stories live. Discover now