As Fate Would Have It

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"Hey kid" he said situating himself a few feet away "Any particular reason why you're sitting this high up or is this what you do for fun?"

"Hah... something like that i guess." you said in reply

you coughed a little and another rose petal along with some blood escaped out of your mouth and turned your head to wipe off the blood, hopefully without him noticing

too late.

you felt him staring at you from your side

"hanahaki, huh?" he said as you turned back around

"dont you have someone to save, hero?"

he shook his head and shifted his eyes to you

"Just you, kid."

you paused and stared off into the sky with a slight smile on your face, knowing right now wasn't your time

"can you save me?" you asked, knowing the answer already

he looked back down into the violet city and took a moment to take in the breeze

"What was he like?" he asked

you paused before answering


a flash of that day snaked its way back into your thoughts, making you cough up some more blood

"hah... sorry"

"i'm sorry i brought it up"

"no it's fine" you said "i it just happens sometimes..."

there was a long quiet

"he's heroic..." you said breaking the silence
"quite literally"

"hmm? what do you mean by that"

"ah nothing in particular" you said and finally brought your gaze back down to earth along with your thoughts. fate had just decided today wasn't your time.

"perhaps... i think it's time for me to go" you said, quoting yourself from a few minutes before.

you scooted back onto the main part of the roof where you weren't dangling off of the precarious ledge and began to walk back to the door that would lead down into the agency.

he turned his head to face you but stayed silent

"you have my thanks, hero" you grabbed your grocery bags and waved without looking back at the man who had essentially prevented your death right before you had planned it to happen and opened the door to the stairs leading down

as the door shut behind you, the winged man turned back around to face the city he roamed day after day, and chuckled to himself

"For what?"


You went home and swiftly put away the groceries but didn't heat up anything to eat. as soon as you got home, a surge of blood and petals came out of you... and after that you definitely weren't hungry.

The thought of your experience that day kept you up that night until you got too tired for your own good and passed out on the couch again.
Before you knew it, it was morning, and though you didn't want to admit it, yesterday was pretty relaxing besides getting interrupted by a certain bird man.

"There's no way he'll now up twice in a row.."
you thought

so you thought to give yesterday's attempt another try because... why not?

You got dressed once more, wearing the same jacket as the day before with different clothes underneath.

"If i'm gonna die i'd like to die looking nice at least..." you mumbled to yourself before walking out of the house without your phone or purse or anything.

You didn't even bother writing a suicide letter to leave behind. Who would read it? Your landlady?

You walked through the city once more, thankfully not running into deku or kirishima again. This time, walking through the building, you didn't take any really long stops, because you'd done the typical walk down memory lane the day before.

"What a waste of my sentimental time huh?" you chuckled aloud, those moments having been wasted because your suicide attempt didn't go as you'd thought it would

You walked out onto the roof of the building once more, feeling the same cool breeze as before and witnessing the same beautiful sunset all over again. This time, you felt more ready and less hesitant due to mental preparations the day before and last night.

You sat in the same spot as before and stared into the fading sky once again, closing your eyes and feeling the wind blow through your hair in a familiar way

Just as you were preparing to take that extra inch forward, you saw what made you disbelieving enough to literally laugh out loud

The very same man, rising up and sitting next to you in the very same spot in the very same way

you chuckled and glanced over at him

"Hey hero"

"Hey kid"

💕Thanks for reading! I hope this story is good for you guys and that i'm writing well enough! You'll get some plot development soon!! 🦋 Love you all✨

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