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Adams POV

Takashi and I have been 'friends' for over a month now and it's prompted me to remember how we met multiple times


Third person POV

It was calm day at the Garrison, not to mention a weekend so not many students were in the halls that day, except for Takashi 'Shrio' Shirogone , Matt Holt, and  Adam Wright.   
That day was the mutual end of a relationship and the hopeful beginning of a new one.

Matt POV

Today was the day, the day I was going to break up with Shiro. I really do love him, but now it just seems like we're both forcing something into a relationship. Something that should be platonic love.

As I approach the room I knew he was studying in I start to get nervous.... And when I get nervous, I get scared.... I get scared I chicken out... I chicken out neither me or Shiro will be happy.  As I step into the classroom Shiro looks up and smiles. I can't do this.... I can't do this .... I can't do this but in have to... I need to.

"Hey, can we talk." Shiro said for the first time since I stepped into the room. Wait! I needed to 'talk' to him was he breaking up with me.... That would make this a whole lot easier. "I know." Is my only answer.

"Soooo...." Was all I could muster up before I started ranting " I know we've been together for like two years now and we've know each other for longer but like I think things between us are dunzo... And I really hope we can stay friends." By the end of it I was panting and hard. "Yeah..... I've wanting to talk to about the same thing for a long time and I really do like you but it's not romantic any more.... I hope we can still be friends without things being awkward."

Huh.... Not sure if I should be offended or relived "Im cool if I still get to woop your ass at game night." Im a 100% Shiro is going to beat at the next game night because of that comment... That's if he excepts my offer. "Your on Holt." I have a feeling I'm eternally screwed.

Just as I  about leave, after a minor argument with Shiro about which Cake Boss episode is the best... Obviously the one where they made a fucking chandelier cake for that girls 16th birthday (A/N: idk I watched that episode like 3 years ago so shush). Adam frickin Wright walked in... I'm not sure if I hate the dude or envy him I'm pretty sure my own father liked him more than he likes me his son, his own flesh and blood.

But what I did know is that Adam had the hots for Shiro.... " Oh I didn't know this room was being used." He said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Nah it's chill Adam, I think we're the only three people dumb enough to be studying on a Saturday." Well I guess I'm staying I wanna see where this goes between these two.... I fucking ship Adashi? Shadam? I'll ask Katie to help me come up with a ship name later.

But I can see them eye fucking already and the tension was getting to much sooooo I'd the only thing a person with common sense would do... "Fun fact cotton candy was invented by a dentist."
Time to see where my little goes...
*Que maniacal laugh*

Adam's POV

"It just seems weird that a dentist would invent cotton candy." I said still standing in the door way with my engineering notes. I knew Holt was up to something I could see the look in his face but I was to afraid to to find out what it was and I learnt that the hard way... It still have me chills to think about the time tricked me into helping him Break in to the flight simulator.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the one and only Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogone. "You gonna sit or keep standing there starting into nothing?" He asked quirking up an eyebrow. I made my way to a desk not far from where Shiro and Matt were working, a twinge of jealousy was sent through me just looking at them. This infatuation with Takashi was impractical I didn't even know him that well and yet I still liked him. One of these days his cute yet simple, genuine smile, Rippling muscles, defined ab's and fluffy hair were going to kill my gay ass. These were my only thoughts as I 'tried'; emphasis on 'tried', to study.

Shiro's POV

Is it weird if I slightly, only slightly had a thing for the one and only Adam Wright. Granted we just met; and he and Matt seem to silently be at each other's throats. There's just something about him that drew me in. Maybe it was the snark just radiating off him, or the way he clenched his jaw while he was thinking; but man was he hot. Good god! I sound like a fucking school girl. To make make matters worse Matt gets up and says... "Welp losers, I'm out. Someone needs to get laid." Wow my best friend: the horny pansexual... "Good lord... Just go."
And with that he left.

God I need new friends. And be careful what you wish for because I would be seeing a lot more of Mr. Wright. Thanks a lot Matthew.


Just realised how cringey this is

Edited: 21/11/2020

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