Chapter I .

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In the light of dawn, the king is restless, stressed about something, his first-born is about to be born, but it is not specifically the present that worries him; it's the past ...
700 years ago a war ended; already forgotten, but that left long-term consequences - That king said to himself.
It's a boy! - is heard in the other room - Majesty! Majesty! Come please!.
The king is startled and heeds the maid's call.
He enters very nervous, his wife shows him the child and observes him: brown hair like sunset, crimson eyes like fire and skin the color of sunrise.
Stressed, he returns the child to his mother and leaves the room as quickly as possible.
His greatest fear, the past 700 years ago has come true, threatens to disappear his lineage, the hope of the past, has become (in his point of view) the threat of the present ...

"Ignisun", the kingdom of fire ".Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt