Chapter 2

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"Big bad wolves love it."

Continuing to lurk in the far shadows, his silhouette had uttered the sentence from quite a distance yet the wind carrying his words to me made it appear like a hushed whisper teasing the skin behind my earlobe, resembling that of a lover's chaste kiss.


Placing my hand behind the wall I had been leaning against, I hurriedly stood up. My legs felt weak, refusing to support my weight completely. It had gotten difficult to breathe normally, causing me to resort towards my gaping mouth for assistance. Slumped against the brick wall, panting heavily as my breasts heaved up and down rapidly, repeating the same word again and again like some broken record, I appeared as a total wreck,


"Yes, darling. Yes."

My lips contorted into a disgusted grimace, hearing the abhorring endearment coming out of the vile creature's mouth.

"Don't look at me like that, darling. Didn't you miss hearing my voice?"

"I-I hate you."

Having been trapped inside my squirming insides for more than a decade, the sentence, although whispered out in a much less than compressed manner, had finally found a way out. I had wanted to say it out loud sooner but he had never given me the chance. He never interacted with me apart from when he tied my shoelaces and took me back home which seemed to be the only exception of his 'no talking' rule.

"Now, now, you're making my heart ache, darling. Is this how you talk to someone who never left your side through all these difficult years?"

I could hear a tinge of mischief in his teasing tone causing my blood to boil despite the constant shivers of fear that were washing all over my body,

"W-Who made these years difficult in the first place?"

Maybe the years of emotional torture had finally gotten to my head. Him materializing in front of me in a normal approachable form had definitely played a big role in turning me this bold. I felt less scared, or maybe I had just become crazier than before.

"Oh, my little darling has finally found a spine,"

Before I could even bat an eyelash, he had crossed the distance between us; his hazy outline transforming into a full built man right before my eyes. I didn't even have the time to step away until it was too late. My feeble face was already clutched in his powerful grasp. I closed my eyes immediately, awaiting an unnatural blow to land and destroy my already wrecked body but it never came.


My eyes opened on their own accord when I felt him squishing my cheeks with his big hands,

"Want me to take it out for you?"

He was talking about my spine.

Clenching my teeth, I tried to give him the best look of hatred that I could muster, but the second my eyes locked onto his, a trance resembling a slithering serpent rapidly crawled over my frozen body, curling around it in mere seconds, until there was no hope left for me; the serpent was hissing my reality in my ears.

He had returned, and he was close, too close for my liking.

In spite of my will, my eyes started traveling over his features, drinking the sharp edges of his jawline, lingering over his plump pale lips nestled perfectly under a straight nose. His face was yet again covered in a beautifully drawn skull makeup. Similar to how a mural added more charm to a wall, the paint only made his beautiful features pop out more. Especially his eyes, his eyes seemed like a pair of burning embers buried deep under a coal mine, pulling me with a magnetic force, drawing me in like the teasing twirls of fire inciting the defenseless moth towards it demise.

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