"Yeah sorry, I got distracted and got here some hours-"

"And after I woke up" She said turning to me.

I just smiled and said expectantly "Sorry" walking faster downstairs and hugging her from the side. "I'm sorry, I should've called"

"As long as you were actually next door then it's fine. You were, right?"

"Yeah" I said sitting down next to her.

"Ok then, want some tea?"


I felt a lot calmer about the situation with Liam, since that talk with Noel, but still, I had to do something about it, the guilt wasn't going away anytime soon.

On the other hand, I couldn't stop smiling, I had spent the night with Noel, his arms and hands on my body, I couldn't believe this was real.

And this only makes it harder with Liam.

I don't know if I'm gonna keep seeing Noel, but I have to talk to Liam, at least explain.


That morning I took a shower after breakfast, then I went for a walk, into some record stores, to clear my mind mostly. That's when walking out of the store, I saw Liam making out with some bird by the tree we used to hang out around.

I couldn't move until I realized that there was no way he was going to see me standing there trying to pick up my jaw.

I turned around and went back into the shop.

I tried to think what to do, I couldn't go out now, so I spied on them for a few seconds, I think she was from school, in Liam's grade.
This made me feel weird, I don't know why I thought Liam was really gutted, it's Liam we're talking about, of course he's gonna be in some girls pants the week after. I didn't like this control switch of the situation, but I guess this way it's better, knowing he didn't really care or something.

I figured it was best if I just ran and turn in the first street I saw.

Walking back home I still felt weird, a little bit stupid even, I honestly thought he cared.


That week at school I just played songs in my head all day, sometimes wrote down the lyrics on some paper while tapping my feet, I didn't feel like doing much out of my mind.

"She's doing it again" I heard Alisa say, faintly chuckling. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "What song it is?"

"Strawberry fields forever" I said without moving my eyes from the corner of the classroom.

"I love that one" said Maggie, who was seated behind me, tearing apart a piece of paper.

Then Matt suddenly spoke "We should go out tonight"

"Where?" I said.


I turned around and smiled at them. The school year was coming to an end and I needed to go out with my friends, they were going to college out of town after the summer, at least most of them. They had their future written down, and I didn't even know if I was gonna stay in Manchester.

Talk tonight (Noel Gallagher)Where stories live. Discover now