The Crimson Depths

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Picture above belongs to Algoinde on DeviantArt. This is what I imagine the Nether to look like in real life, the artist did a really great job at encompassing a reality aspect of it. Of course the nether Dream finds in the video has different terrain, I just thought this could give you a small picture of it.

Also, I'm not necessarily proud of this chapter but I have no idea what to change to make it better so if any of you want to give me points and let me know my mistakes that would be greatly appreciated. Literally you guys don't know how much that helps me improve!

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Word Count: 8000 (Pog)

Dream's ears buzzed, ringing loudly as a loud ping sounded through his head. His head throbbed, pounding in agony as his stomach twisted and folded, creating the feeling of nauseous to wash over him. He could feeling his blood pulsing through his body in time with the thumping of his beating heart which increased speed the higher his adrenaline went.

The blond's vision was clouded with a purple hue created by the portal. Darker, purple sparkles and black dots spotted in his vision as his eyes struggled to stay open. He went in and out of a passed out state until he ultimately blanked.

In his state of being blacked out, his head still pounded, reminding him of the sharp headache he carried. Despite the pain, his thoughts drifted towards Y/N and how the girl fared. She had to have been in the same pain he was in after hearing bitter groans and grunts coming from a feminine voice.

At this point, Dream would've thought his body shut down, falling asleep, only to trap him in a nightmare if not for his clear state of thinking, or as clear as it could be with the headache the boy sported. He spent minutes in utter darkness, with the ability to see nothing but black, and he spent minutes in chilling silence, with his ears hearing nothing, not even the monstrous ringing, which he thought was something more disturbing.

Churning his insides, his stomach made him feel the urge to vomit. He would've curled up in a bowl, clutching his stomach to rid himself of the annoying feelings flourishing in him. One problem, he couldn't feel anything either. He couldn't feel his black backpack, weighing his shoulders down; nor could he feel his fluffy blond hair Y/N seemed to stare at with wonder; speaking of the beautiful girl, he couldn't see, hear, or feel her standing next to him- or at least he thought she was next to him, he wasn't exactly sure at this point.

Immediately it all went away, all of it stopped; the churning in his stomach stopped, the silence stopped, the headache stopped– for the most part– and he could finally feel something around him, specifically ground beneath his feet. And like a car slamming on the brakes, Dream jolted forward, collapsing to the ground below him.

His eyes were squeezed shut as he felt the ground with his hands, relieved to be feeling something, anything. He slowly blinked his eyes open, a fuzzy blur encompassing his vision. With hazy eyes, he stood back on his feet, to his normal, towering height.

When his vision cleared, he stood, jaw ajar, as he surveyed his surroundings. Contradictory to the green plains and large forests filling the rugged landscape he was in moments ago, this one was filled with a maroon colored bloodstone that looked like stretched flesh. There was no sky, just a ceiling made of the bloodstone high above him with large walls of the same material towering up to it with ledges jutting from it occasionally.

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