𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟖

Start from the beginning

    "Can't let you leave Ms. McKenna." He says in his gruff voice, and my brows furrow.

    "Has something happened?" I asked, keeping my panic at bay, surely there would be chaos if something happened, right? And why wouldn't my security be the one to prevent me from leaving?

    "Mr. Styles has asked me to prevent you from leaving the premises, he said to keep you in your dressing room until after the show." Could he get anymore frustrating?

    "So I'm supposed to be held captive now? By my own free will?" I asked, and Preston merely shrugged. I groaned in response, he's got to be fucking kidding me.

    Why couldn't he have just talked to me in my hotel room? Or at least text me?

    It's because he knew you would ignore him, right.

    I decided that maybe enough is enough and that I should probably confront him tonight, but what good will that do? I was supposed to do that tomorrow. For fuck's sake!

    Deep breaths McKenna, deep breaths. I was not about to go into a panic attack, not about this.

    I decide to just go on my phone and text Kelsey and Niall to head on to the hotel.

Are you sure?
What happened?

I'll be fine, H wants to talk apparently

I could stay behind, in case you need me there?

I'm a big girl Ni, I can do this. I'll meet you at the hotel.

    I didn't really wait that long for Harry, because as soon as I heard the familiar ending of Kiwi, there was a knock on my door a few minutes later.

    "You decent?" Harry jokes as he pops his head into my dressing room. I was sitting by the couch and I merely just stared at him, not entirely sure what to do, feel or say.

    "What's going on McKenna?" He asks, arms crossed as he leans on the vanity table across from the couch, and I shrug, he forced me to wait for him, he should start talking.

    "I should ask you the same question, Harry." I answer, crossing my arms and arching my brow at him. He looked at me with a confused look on his face, and I wanted to laugh at how typical it was.

    "I'm not following." He shakes his head at me, and I roll my eyes. Is he being serious right now?

    "Is there something you want to tell me, Harry?" I asked, and his brows furrow.

    "I'm not sure what you're asking of me." It's either he's a really good actor or he seriously doesn't know what's going on.

    "How was Paris? I remember telling you how excited I was to go sight-seeing, but you told me you had other plans. Tell me, did your plans involve a certain blonde, green eyed model?" And as soon as the words had left my mouth, the color from Harry's face had drained, and his mouth parted in shock.

    "Cat got your tongue?" I don't know where I got the sudden rush of confidence in confronting Harry, this wasn't like me at all, but I like it. I stood from the couch, walking close to him but still managing to keep a safe distance.

    "I-, I-uh, how did you know about that?" He was stumbling on his words, and he didn't even bother to deny it, so my eyes didn't deceive me.

    "So it really did happen?" I asked, the tears that I have fought strongly to not stream down my face were already falling and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

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