Chapter 8: Zoe's Psychic and Mike's Immature

Start from the beginning

"I don't." I stated plainly. "Feel bad I mean. I know this probably sounds rude and selfish but I'd choose the safety of the world and getting to keep my boyfriend because some rich chick got her heart broken by a guy she fell in love with that she just met, rather than lose my boyfriend, have anyone I care about die because of lack of intel, and the world end just so she can spend the rest of her life with a guy she bumped into and fell for. I understand loving Mike, I do, because I love him. But I love him and she can't have him."

"I mean, fair point." He said as he hugged me. "But I promise you, I have no intent on leaving you."

"What does that mean?" I asked with a smile.

"That I'm sticking with you." He kissed me. "And that I love you."

"I love you too." I blushed.

He looked behind us and shook his head at the ground.

"They're all behind us now aren't they?"

"Uh huh." He nodded.

I turned and saw Catherine, Cyrus, and Erica all watching amusedly, and Ben kneeling and making a heart with his hands teasingly at us.

Mike walked over to Ben and lightly punched his shoulder as he muttered something.

"We'll be right back." Ben nodded in response.

"Where are you going?"

"Guy talk. So you two can-"

"Erica GIRL TALK NOW." I grinned.

"Oh boy. Thanks a lot guys. Have fun. I know I won't." She rolled her eyes.

They went for a walk outside so I grabbed her arm and dragged her away from Cyrus and Catherine, the latter of the two then followed us.

"How are things with Ben?" I teased.

"Complicated." She muttered quietly.

"How so?" Catherine asked.

"Huh?" She realized what she said and her eyes went wide as she tried too cover up her previous response. "Oh uh... nothing. I meant... great. Things are really... great." She said unenthusiastically.

"Is everything alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah. It's... great." Erica answered hesitantly.

"If it's 'great,' as you say, why do you sound so somber and mysterious dear?"

"What happened Erica?" 

"UHHH... nothing happened. Why would you think something happened? Nothing at all happened can we please change the subject thanks." She said quickly, blushing profusely.

"Fine." Catherine said reluctantly. "We may change the subject. For now. But when Ben comes back you two are coming with me and telling me what's going on." Catherine responded.

Erica looked like she wanted to argue, but decided that could come the next time that question was asked, and held her tongue.

"So how are things with Michael?"

"Really great actually. But I feel like he's hiding something and I can't figure out what."

Erica and Catherine shared a look and decided to change the topic again.

"How's dad?"

"He's doing very well. We both are."

"That's great." Erica smiled.

"What do you two know?" I asked accusingly.

"Nothing dear."

"She's right. Nothing." Erica agreed. "Welp. As fun as this wasn't, I'm out. I'm gonna go work on something or find Ben."

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