Mackenzie squeezed her friend’s hand.  She had asked Fern once if there was anything they could do for her legs, but the girl hadn’t been real hopeful.  Apparently there was a possible surgery, but it was really expensive and Fern refused to allow her parents to go into debt for an experimental surgery.  Mackenzie had never asked about it again after she had seen how upset it had made it her friend.

            “Alright all, let’s see if we can bring some ribbons home,” Caleb said cheerily, starting the truck.

            Smiles quickly lit up Mackenzie and Fern’s faces as the truck rumbled to life and Caleb did a U turn in the driveway.  It was obvious that they were all determined to make this a good and fun day.

            “You’ll have to bring the ribbons home yourself,” Mackenzie smiled.  “I’ll just be happy to get Bailey through her events without totally messing up.”

            “You’ll do fine,” Fern grinned.  “Once you’re in the arena you’ll totally forget about the crowd.”

            “She’s right,” Caleb agreed.  “But if I really must carry us through I will willingly carry the burden,” he said, putting on a southern drawl.

            Fern and Mackenzie giggled.  Mackenzie had grown to enjoy the easy bantering of the Andrews’ family and she always felt like part of the family.  She even found herself joining in on the teasing and joking now.  It felt great to be wanted and have friends again.


            Caleb pulled into the Fair Grounds about twenty minutes later and parked in a grassy patch close to the stalls where they would be able to hear the loud speaker.  There weren’t any campers now since the Fair was over and there weren’t nearly as many trailers either.  Although there were already people out working their horses and getting ready for the day.

            Caleb pocketed his keys and slid out, followed by Mackenzie.  Mackenzie headed back to the trailer to check on the horses while Caleb got Fern situated in her wheelchair.  Mackenzie stepped into the trailer and whistled softly.  Both horses whinnied and bobbed their heads.  The teen hugged Bailey’s neck and scratched Ranger’s velvety nose.  She then grabbed two lead ropes and attached them to the horses’ halters.

            “All ready?” Caleb called from outside the trailer.

            “Yeah, go head,” Mackenzie answered.

            Caleb unlatched the back door and swung it open.  Mackenzie left Bailey attached to the trailer ties while she backed Ranger off.  Once Caleb had a hold of Ranger she moved back up to Bailey.  She unclipped the panic snap and backed the filly off.  Caleb already had Ranger hooked to the trailer was taking his shipping boots off.

            Mackenzie and Caleb worked quickly to get their horses ready.  Bailey’s ears twitched as she took everything in.  She pawed the ground and whinnied to any of the other horses that would answer.  Mackenzie patted her shoulder.

            “You exited too, girl?” she asked, receiving a bob of the horse’s head.

            “See?  You guys will do fine,” Fern smiled.

            Caleb turned to his sister.  “Fern…”

            She held up her hand.  “You two go.  I know the drill.  You guys go get checked in for your events.  I can get myself wheeled down to the arena.  Don’t worry.”

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