An Angels Precious Cargo

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Warnings: angst, may be some spelling/grammar errors so correct me if I'm wrong, Major Character Death not canonical, Collapsing building

so if any of these bother you then you can just skip this chapter

A/N: If there are any errors then please do tell kind person because I never proofread. Thank you in advance. Morgan was born before Peter and the others were dusted so she's about sixteen in this fic. Miles is 18. Shuri is 21. MJ is 25. Peter is 25. Harley is 26. And Ned is 25. But some of these are just barely mentioned so it isn't that important.

It was a calm Thursday evening when the great Tony Stark got the call.

 You see, the "new avengers" were supposed to have their first big league mission on this day. To say, Mr Stark was stressed would be putting it lightly. The sun had just set when Bucky Barnes's photo was lighting up the living room with red lights and blaring alarms. "It's probably nothing major" was a thought that was running through Tony's head when he ran downstairs to meet the man himself. Nothing could stop the genius from finding out what was wrong.

It was not like Tony was worried about the mission. Of course he wasn't. He was more worried about the teenagers doing it. 

Peter Parker


Harley Keener-Stark

Morgan Stark

Ned Leeds

Miles Morales

Michelle Jones

So young. So full of life. So- so breakable.

It wasn't easy to let these young adults/teenagers go on this HYDRA mission so that's exactly why Bucky Barnes was sent to accompany them in case something was wrong. The mission wasn't hard per se but it was hard enough so that the entire little league was called in (minus Peter and Harley because they became official avengers members a few years ago) plus Bucky Freaking Barnes. And that should have been enough though right? It should've been ENOUGH.

So back to starting point.

"What happened?" Tony asked Bucky in his calmest voice. He didn't need the poor man to get all small and vulnerable right now. Not when there are lives on the line. Not when there are kids' life on the line.

"I- I don't- I- I'm sorry" Bucky answered with a shaky voice. Slightly out of breath, Tony noted quietly to himself. He looked bad. The hair that was usually set up in a small bun was now touching his shoulders. He had grime and blood all over his mission uniform. The usually pale blue eyes looked even paler in the red blinking light. He looked tired, and dare he say... defeated.

"Where are they" There was no question. Tony Stark needed to know that they were fine. Maybe some of them needed patching up, and if there were some seriously injured the compound had a hospital. It was fine right?

"Harley, Morgan and Miles are in the Med-Bay getting some stitches done. Mj, Ned and Shuri are with them getting checked over. And I'm over here going over everything with you" His smile was tight. The genius knew the fake smiles better than anyone alive, having practiced these ugly smiles in the mirror since he was at the age of 10. He couldn't understand why the immediate medical attention alarm had gone though- wait.

"Where's Peter?" Bucky stiffened. Barely noticeable if you weren't really looking, but Tony was. Tony was always looking in a situation like this. 

"Barnes, you said everyone's name except Peter's so where is he"

It was no longer difficult to read the emotions on the soldiers face. Grief was the most evident though. Tears had gathered in the corner of his eyes, small droplets had fallen. When had those fallen? Tony had no idea. But there were small streaks of some salted rivers running down the older mans's cheek. 

"He- I don't know. I was there. I WAS THERE!!" The last part was screamed so loud it echoed of the walls. The blaring alarms had been turned off a long while ago. The silence that followed was eerie. Uncomfortable.

"We had won. We had won dammit, but this gluppy mal'chik (stupid boy) ran back to the war zone" The Great Winter Soldiers knees buckled and he fell to the ground. His shaky hands came up to cover his face, as if he was ashamed that Tony Stark was seeing him this broken. It didn't matter, Tony couldn't focus on these small details when Peter was possibly injured to the point where a hospital was needed.

"By the time Harley had gotten to him it was too late. The building he was in- they- uh he- it collapsed. Harley screamed so loud the others took their comms out." 

Tony couldn't breathe. When had the oxygen gotten so thin? 

"Peter asked us to hurry so we did. Everyone helped dig him out. I pressed the immediate medical attention button. We were too late. He was already dead by the time we got him out. Harley found him first. I think he's still in shock."

"But i couldn't- Tony I- I'm sorry" The soldier's voice was broken. A mantra of "I'm sorry" was steadily coming out of his mouth as he hid his face in his ashen hands. Tony was stock still though. He felt cold all over. A full body shiver ran through him. The world felt all wrong. Like it had been washed and then gotten all wrong in the washing machine. 

"He was in so much pain, Tony. He kept screaming at us to hurry before he would off himself. I'm sorry- I should've been quicker. But I just- the shock- I- God, I'm so so sorry." 

Tony didn't know why he suddenly got so numb. But in reality he knew, Peter was only 25 years old. He had a whole life ahead of him. He's just a baby. The young adult had made everyone's life brighter after showing his brilliantly glowing smile. 

"They took him to the hospital in the tower to check him over if- if you were wondering" And he was. But he couldn't do it, it would only confirm one of his worst nightmares. 

Nothing could take this beautiful boy from the angels that claimed him as theirs. His smile would never shine again, but at least he was freed from the misery of being trapped. 

Kind of a bad ending but I wanted to finish this. Word Count: 1054 

Have a lamatastic day people! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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