Dazed and Confused

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The first time I ever saw him was across the lunchroom. He looked so helpless; it was adorable. He had light brown hair and eyes that matched. I couldn't help but drag my friend Brooklyn along with me to talk to him. I knew first days could be tough it was hard to believe that my first day was only 1 year ago. He caught my eye and I looked away, but I could tell he was still staring at me; he was probably just nervous. As I got closer, I could see he had quickened his pace he was heading towards an empty table behind me. I felt his plastic lunch tray hit my shoulder, spaghetti and meatballs flew into the air and red sauce dyed my favorite white T-shirt. If I could have any grudge against him it was forgiven when I heard him speak, " Crikey! I'm so sorry I got distracted are you alright?" he had the most adorable Australian accent it made my heart melt like butter. "Don't even worry about it! I've been wanted to get rid of this shirt for a while." (lie) "Come sit with us." After at least 10 apologies he finally agreed to sit with me and my friends. His name was Ruel, I could never forget that name.


I walked hesitantly into the lunchroom. I'd been preparing for this all day. It's easy to hide in the back of a classroom but harder to hide all alone on a lunch table. As I carried my lunch tray across the tile floor I looked around and then I spotted her, she caught my gaze for just a moment then looked away, but I couldn't seem to. She was so beautiful it was mesmerizing, and she was walking right toward me. My heart skipped a beat as she got closer, I was worried I would say the wrong thing I panicked and broke right. My tray hit her shoulder and my lunch spilled everywhere. " Crikey! I'm so sorry I got distracted" (by you) "are you alright?" I was so relieved when she asked me to sit by her. I couldn't seem to look away from her as we talked. (Your name) was her name; I knew I'd never forget that as long as I lived. As I sat there some lyrics came to my mind, "I been dazed and confused from the day I met you. Yeah, I lost my head and I'd do it again either I've seen the light or I'm losing my mind there's something 'bout you that's got me dazed and confused." I'd have to write them down later these were some of the first lyrics I liked, the first one's that mattered.


I walked into my science class with Ruel right beside me. We chatted while we took our seats next to each other. He gave me his jacket to cover the stains on my shirt I couldn't help but blush when he said it looked better on me anyway. I knew that he was probably just being friendly, but I couldn't help but be a little bit flirty talking to a cute boy with an even cuter Australian accent. We would just be friends, after all we just met, and he's probably not interested anyway.


I looked over at (your name). She was busily scrawling notes onto a sheet of paper. More lyrics came to my mind, "Something 'bout your eyes I can't even walk in a straight line" She really did have the most mesmerizing eyes. After class I asked her if she wanted to come over and do homework with me. She came over every day that week, and the next. But we're probably just friends. 

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