Part 1

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Harry stopped halfway down the corridor, which caused Ron, and then Hermione, to crash into him. "Whatcha doin Harry?" Seamus Finnegan shouted from next to Hermione. Harry didn't say anything. By now, there was a large group filing out of the Great Hall and into the small hallway. Many of the people waiting at the back, were getting irritated and were trying to push their way to the front.

Meanwhile, just in front of Harry, a huddle of around 15 people were lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Minerva McGonagall's voice emanated from the back of the crowd. "What is the commotion, Mr. Potter can you...oh." She noticed the huddle on the floor. "Excuse me, and who exactly are you?"

One of the boys sat up at looked around the hallway, as the rest of the group also started to come to their senses. The boy who was sat up had platinum blond hair and grey eyes, he was an exact replication of a slightly taller boy standing next to Gregory Goyle. "Cass!" He hissed, "What shall we do?"

"How would I know Scorp, I didn't get us into this mess!" The girl called Cass said, she had long, black hair and deep brown eyes. She looked very similar to a boy standing in front of her, with unruly black hair and circular glasses.

"Fine, Cass." The first boy stood up and walked over to Professor McGonagall. He whispered something in her ear which caused her eyes to widen temporally. After she got her poise back, she turned to the confused students behind her and said, " I want all the students I call to go back into the Great Hall, everyone else go to your next lessons." Then she proceeded to call out the individuals involved in the situation. "Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginevra Weasley, Padma Patil, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass."

All the people not mentioned mumbled under there breath angrily while walking to the other side of the corridor, as the people who were turned around and headed back to the great hall.

Once all the people who were needed had been ushered into the Hall- plus all the other children who had appeared -McGonagall told everyone to get into a line in front of the new children. Then, Draco Malfoy stepped forward. "As much as I like standing in a line, what are we doing here?"

"Good question, Mr Malfoy." Professor McGonagall answered. "These students are from the future, your future."

All of the students who were standing on the right, took a step back in surprise while Hermione Granger's eyes studied the children in front of her. None of her students had recovered from the shock yet so McGonagall spoke, "I would like each of you," She looked at the students she had never seen before, "to tell us who you are and some additional information about yourselves."

Hermione then spoke up, "But isn't the rule that we shouldn't mess with the future, isn't that what you told me back in third year."

"I think it will be alright, Miss Granger." A booming voice echoed through The Great Hall. Everyone turned around to see that Dumbledore was still sitting at the staff table. To everyone's surprise, the new students pulled out there wands and pointed them at Dumbledore. All the current Hogwarts students looked at the drawn wands and stepped in front of Dumbledore as though to save him. "What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Ron shouted at the new students.

"It is ok, Mr Weasley, step away and as for you," He gestured towards the new students. "What ever I may have done in the future, can you put it behind you for a little while, I think that you have something to tell us as Minerva just said."

The new students lowered their wands reluctantly and followed Minerva's orders by getting into a line in front of the present Hogwarts students.

McGonagall looked curious, but continued. "I would like you to start from the eldest. You may begin."

As soon as McGonagall had said that, a tall girl with long brown - almost black - hair, stepped forward. "Hello, my name is Danielle (or just Dani for short) Zabini and I am 16 in my 6th year, in Slyhterin."

Blaise stood up in shock. "I have a daughter." She nodded. "And who is your mother."

She grinned. "Well, my mother is Pansy Zabini, nee Parkinson."

Nearly everyone had a shocked look on their face, except Blaise who continued to stare at his daughter with amazement and Pansy who tried hard not to show her disappointment, the whole while, steeling glances at Malfoy every now and again.

Then, another girl stepped forward. She had short curly blonde hair with brown highlights and shinning blue eyes. She was very attractive, with her tall figure and slim body. "I am Elara Nott, daughter of Theodore Nott." She nodded at her father. "I am also in 6th year and also in Slytherin, just like Dani. And my mother..." She answered the question no one had asked, but everyone had wondered. "is Luna Lovegood!"

This time nobody said anything. Draco smiled, inwardly, Theo had had a crush on the Ravenclaw since 5th year. Theo, however, was just trying not to jump up and dance around in glee. He had had a child with the girl of his dreams. Unknowingly, to him, Luna was feeling the exact same way.

The first boy then stepped forward. He had shoulder length, black hair - quite like Sirius' had been - and he had brown eyes. Even though he had dark, sharp features, his face still had warmth that could certainly not be found in everyone. "Hello, my name is Leo." He almost whispered it, looking at the floor. "I'm in my 5th year and I am in Hufflepuff."

Goyle interjected. "Ha! I feel sorry for his parents, Hufflepuff, can you think of a worse punishment."

Leo was still staring at the floor, but you could tell he was getting increasingly upset. "Thanks, dad, I'll bear that in mind."

Goyle's eyes widened and he had the decency to look slightly sheepish. ", who's your mum?"

"This may be something that you don't especially want to hear. But it is Padma Goyle, or as you know her Patil."

This was the first time real shock reverberated around the room. "Excuse me!" Padma Patil said, "Did I hear you correctly, I have a child with that disgusting baboon." Goyle glared at her.

"Yeah, I think it was an outdoor wedding."

"We got married!" Padma shouted, she didn't know whether to feel surprised or outraged.


"Umm...ok, well, that's great. Can we get to know you Leo?"

"Sure." Padma and Leo walked over to the Hufflepuff table, followed by a very tentative Goyle.

"Well, I'm next." A boy stepped forward. He had platinum blond hair that was parted at the side and swept of his face in a gentle curve. His eyes were a metallic grey. He had a pointed chin and a sharp nose. Even though he looked like someone who only cared about himself, he had the clear look of someone who had been loved and cared for, which gave his face a glow that lit up half the room. He could be described as an angel. However, he then planted a smirk onto his face that only a Malfoy could possess.

"Hi, my name is Scorpius or as my friends call me Scorp. I'm in my 5th year, aged 15, same as Leo. I'm in Slyhterin, just like my dad." He sent a smirk at Draco, who gladly returned it.

"So, Scorp, who's you mother?"


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