Chapter Five: Trust

Start from the beginning

Even so, this was a ridiculous request!

"Subaru, Rem is a very nice person! I'm sure if you just talk to her, both of you can work something out —"

"Please, Emilia." Subaru presses further, cutting the half-elf short, "I know... I know what I'm asking is a bit much, but..."

"This is something I really can't confront her about. Even if it's only for a few days, I need your help." Subaru bows, which wasn't much given he was still on his bed, but the effort still counts.

Emilia, hearing this person who so selflessly helped her out yesterday, asking her for help, could only give a sad smile and nod.

"Fine... If it's only for a few days, I'm sure Rem'll understand. — Aaah!?"

Emilia is cut off when Subaru suddenly pulls her into a hug, much to her surprise. Unfamiliar with the act, she stiffens up —

"Thank you, Emilia-tan!" —Hearing the boy's honest words, she relaxes into the hug, feeling a little bubbly from the affection.

"Roundhouse Kick!" Puck's voice suddenly cuts forward, and his tiny leg jabs Subaru in the eye! —

"Ahh!? — Ow ow ow ow!" He pulls out from the hug, holding his attacked area, "Puck, what's the big idea!?"

"That's what I should be asking you! Getting all close to my daughter like that!" Puck glares at the boy, as Emilia laughs a bit.

"Puck, it's fine. He's just showing his appreciation, that's all." Emilia assures the spirit, and he huffs and looks away. Emilia looks at Subaru, "Are you feeling better now, Subaru?"

"Better? I'm feeling like I'm at 110%! —" Jumping out of bed, he pumps his fist into his chest... before rubbing his eye once more, "—Er, 105%. Geez, Puck, for such a small figure, you know where to land a crit."

"Not sure what you mean by 'crit', but take it as a warning not to get so comfortable with 'Lia!" Raising his paw in a threatening way, Puck made sure Subaru got the message! —

"Puck, I said it's fine!" Emilia, exasperated, tries to calm her father figure.

"Please let me stay in your mansion for free!" Subaru exclaims, his eyes closed shut. Roswaal perks up.

"Goodness, you're asking for qui~ite the favor, aren't you?" Roswaal says this, but doesn't break his smile,

"Very well, I am a man of my word. As of today, you a~are considered a permanent resident of the Roswaal Mansion. Please enjoy your stay!"

"Thank you very much!" While standing, he bows to show his appreciation, before sitting down to continue eating his food.

It was a step backward, Subaru wasn't denying it, but he figured he didn't have much of a choice. If he went and asked to work here, he'd run into Rem on several occasions.

However, with his newfound free time, he had plenty of it to prepare for the situations coming ahead:

He wasn't going to let Rem die from the curse, and by the time they fought against the Mabeast invasion, he was certain to gain their trust by fighting alongside Rem and Ram.

After that, then he would ask to be employed by Roswaal once more, and hopefully make everything right again!

It wasn't a plan without flaws, Subaru knew this, but he couldn't be near Rem right now. Anything before the invasion would make Rem consider him a threat.

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