Katsuki's POV
'Damn she maybe good at hiding it' he said to himself but still pretending to be cocky "well who knows maybe Mr. Aizawa would like to see you're desk KiKi" he said mockingly, Kira had enough of this so she simply slapped Katsuki's face "you're ego should stay in place before something bad happens" she said annoyed at him "oh really well then" he said to her as he would walk away from her and she would walk away as well

Kira's POV
'Katsuki better not get them' she said in her mind "Tch" she said 'maybe I should take one after training' she said to herself as she walked to the girls locker room where she would change. She got out of the locker room changed to her UA training uniform she would go out and she saw Baguko which he would give her a smug face and she gave him an angry face

Katsuki's POV
He saw Kira look at him and he smiled smugly back at her as he just stole her cigarette carton and he hid it now the boy had leverage for something. 'She will be so scared' he was thinking, he heard about the training and how they will be put into teams "Hmm who will I be teamed with?" Katsuki asked himself as All might came and assigned partners and who they were going against in the arena. Katsuki saw he was teamed up with Kirishima which he would be fine with but he saw he was going against Kira Dakiamaru "Hm maybe I can beat her in something" he mumbled "Did you say something Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, "Here's the plan I'll get Dakiamaru you get Tenya" Bakugo told him "You sure? She's kind of powerful cause she can beat you" Kirishima warned. "Whatever ill win against Dakiamaru" Bakugo said in an egotistical manner

Kira's POV
She saw that she was gonna be paired with Tenya whom she respected "Hey Tenya" she said to him, "Oh hello Dakiamaru-San" He said respectfully to her "Well looks like we're partners" She said to him "Looks like it and I think we're going against Katsuki and Kirishima" Tenya told her. Kira would look annoyed and she sighed "He's gonna go after me I'm assuming" she wasn't happy now as she has a death wish upon her "Well I'm just gonna fight him" she sighed "Hm maybe I can help" Tenya would think of an idea and he would tell her what was going to happen. "Alright thanks Lida" she said smiling at him

Bakugo and Kirishima would start the fight and Kira and Tenya would be going defensive mode Tenya would try to fight Bakugo but Bakugo would warn Tenya "Move out the way Dakiamaru is mine" he said to him as he would try and explode Tenya away. Kira would be fighting with Kirishima a little bit till Kirishima got tired and he lost focus which gave Kira an upper hand which she sweeped him to the ground "so sorry Kirishima" Kira told him, "it's okay" Kirishima said to her as Kirishima would walk out of the arena as he was on the ground and getting in the ground of the arena meant that you lost. 'Now then time to get Bakugo' Kira thought

Katsuki's POV
Bakugo would be fighting Tenya and then at some point Tenya touched the ground and he would go out of the arena as he is out. 'Now to get Kira' he thought to himself as he smiled arrogantly "HEY DAKI-DAKI!!" Bakugo would yell as he would be jumping in the air and activating his quirk, Kira would dodge the blast she would get her scythe made from her blood she would dash at Bakugo and try and hurt him but he dodged her. Bakugo would land onto the ground but he didn't get out Kira would get down from the ground and she would wait and be on a fighting stance, Bakugo would get annoyed "dammit" he said "why won't you get out?!" Bakugo would yell as he would charge at her, Kira would be in a defensive position then she would dodge his explosions then she would use her scythe to push him to the ground which Bakugo would be pushed to the ground which made Kira the winner

Kira's POV
'Damn I won against Katsuki Bakugo" she thought to herself she would look at him and scoffed as she walked away she would go to Kirishima and Tenya "hey you guys did good in training" she told them "Thank you Kira-San" Tenya said as he bowed. Kira face went a little red "Lida you don't have to bow" she said to him "hey you did good as well" Kirishima told her "well see you guys" Kira said to Kirishima as she would walk to the locker room and she would change in there

Katsuki's POV
Bakugo was mad as he was beaten by a girl in practice he would walk into the locker room smirking at the fact that he would get her back. He had an idea to do it he would plan to steal her carton of cigarettes, "Why are you smirking?" Denki asked "didn't you get beaten up by Dakiamaru-San" Denki added "We don't talk about that Pikachu" Bakugo retorted at Denki, "Whoa chill out Bakugo" Denki said as he would change back into his school uniform, Katsuki would change and close his locker where he would walk out and he would walk to see Kira's reaction that her pack was gone

Kira's POV
Kira would walk out of the locker room and she would go to her desk to see her pack of cigarettes she needed to take it... before Bakugo could take it but wait..... she would see the cigarette pack gone. She would be mad so she would go trying to look for Bakugo she was furious Kira would go up to Kirishima "Where is Bakugo?" She asked furiously "Oh um he wanted me to give this to you" Kiri told her as he passed her a note, she would take the note and look at it 'meet me at the front of the school Kira' it read she would look at it and she would storm off to the front of the school where she would meet Bakugo

Katsuki's POV
Bakugo would be waiting for Kira Dakiamaru as he had her pack of cigarettes in his pocket he would look to see if Kira was on her way "where is she?" He mumbled to himself getting impatient as he heard walking. He would look to see Kira walking up to him "Oh hello Daki-Daki" he said to her, "Give me what I want" she said to him "What's that?" Bakugo asked her as he was playing dumb "Don't play dumb Bakugo" she said annoyed, "You want this?" He asked her as he pulled out the cigarette carton of cigarettes, Kira would try and take the carton but Bakugo took it back away from her "You know your breaking a school rule?" He told her "Which is what? Having cigarettes on school property?" She asked him "Yeah it is surprisingly for being a good student that would... put a bad mark on you" he tried to provoke her. Kira would ignore the fact that is trying to her provoked "Just give it back or nothing bad happens" Kira told him "Well what are you gonna do?" He asked her. Kira was now getting annoyed so she punched Bakugo in the face, Bakugo would feel the punch from her the punch was really hard which was surprising since Kira used her quirk often Bakugo got mad and so he would use his explosion quirk in which Kira dodged him then she would hardened her blood to make throwing knives in which she would throw them at Bakugo in which Bakugo dodged some but some of the throwing knives hit him but Bakugo would use his quirk on her in which Kira tried to dodge it but went horribly wrong where she would hit the ground

Kira's POV
'Dammit' she thought to herself 'his explosion quirk threw me off' she thought again as she got up to activate her quirk Aizawa disabled their quirks "Thank god it's just the students and not villain" Aizawa remarked "Well then both of you should go to Mr. Nezu's office NOW!" Aizawa yelled at now as they both were sent to the principals office. As they both got into the principals office they were both asked various questions and they came to a conclusion of two options "Now you can both be suspended or you could be roommates and also you two have to be partners for everything" Nezu gave them both options "Hmm I choose the second option" Kira told Mr. Nezu, "Tch can't believe I'm gonna have to agree with Dakiamaru on this one" Katsuki said in disbelief "Ok it is settled then now Bakugo go pack your bags to Mr. Dakiamaru's room" Nezu told him.

Bakugo's POV
Bakugo got up and walked to his dorm to pack his stuff "Hey sorry roomie I have to go" he said to them as he was finished packing he would walk to Kira's dorm and knock on it. Kira would open it "come in" she said to him as she let him in "Okay so that side is yours" she pointed to his side of the room and then she would go to her side "also do you need help?" Kira asked, "No I'm fine" Bakugo would say to her as he would unpack his stuff Bakugo looked to see a file under a desk "Hey what's that file?" Bakugo asked Kira "Don't touch that!" Kira exclaimed as she was hiding a secret "Whoa calm down Kira" Bakugo would try to say in a relaxing tone "I'm sorry it's just don't touch it" she advised him "my things shouldn't be touched is all" Kira told him "Oh I understand" Bakugo told her

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