The Windowsill of Dreams

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The dark...shadow deposited you onto the sand of a beach. You looked up, watching it soar, but it soon blended into the night sky. The moon was nowhere to be found and the stars appeared so, so far away that you let out an involuntary shiver. You had no idea where in all the realms you were.

It had been a simple evening. You'd been sitting on your windowsill, window open to let in the refreshing night air. You had just been sitting there, contemplating life, promising yourself that tomorrow would be better, and then the day after tomorrow would be better, and then the day after the day after tomorrow, until suddenly, it was better. But then the shadow appeared outside your window, holding out his hand, his glowing orbs of eyes asking you—daring you to take it. So you did.

And now you were definitely regretting it. You looked up the beach to see a thick jungle which looked even darker and definitely full of more dangers than the beach. But you also didn't want to just stay here; wide in the open where anyone could see you without you having any knowledge of them. But if anyone was here they would have much better knowledge of the jungle than you would. The rational part of your brain was telling you to stay on the beach, where you would be able to see almost any dangers, to just travel along the beach to try to get some idea of where you might be. But there must have been something in the air because you were feeling adventurous and daring.

The jungle was even darker than it appeared, shadows following you around every bend and distorting the appearance of the plants on the jungle floor. You moved slowly, cautiously, and as silently as possible, which, in the stillness of the jungle, was not really silent at all. It unnerved you. There were no crickets to be heard in this silence, no croaking frogs or cawing crows. Any sound, any sound at all would have made you feel better. As it was, the jungle pressed in on you, suffocating, as you realized you were completely alone in its dark clutches.

You started breathing heavily, closing your eyes to try to fight the panic that had come over you. In. Out. In. Out. You were strong enough to get through this. You would find that shadow or someone else to help you get back home and away from this spooky place.

Then you heard a cry. Some sort of animal, although you couldn't tell what. Goosebumps prickled your skin. You had been wrong before. The silent jungle was a lot better than this one, the hunting jungle. You looked around, listening hard, trying to find out what direction the animal cry had come from. You assumed it had come from your left side, but it could just have easily been the right, and that was the most that you were able to pinpoint.

You started heading towards the right anyway, wanting to separate yourself from the creature. But then you heard it again, coming from what you thought might be the direction you were heading. So you headed in the opposite direction. But a cry came from that side as well. You turned trying to keep going, but every direction you turned brought an animal's cry to your ears. They increased in number, until they were coming from every direction. You found a heavy stick, the only sort of protection you would have against these beasts who were slowly closing in. You would not go down without a fight.

Then suddenly they ceased, and the silent jungle was back once more. The hairs on the back of your neck rose, as you waited for them to pounce from any and all directions. Your body was so tense, every muscle prepared for battle. It came from an unexpected direction.

You felt your hands grabbed from out of nowhere and before you could register anything they were pinned above your head as you stood against a tree. You somehow lost the stick, although you had no idea whether you had dropped it from surprise or it had been pried from you. You looked up at your attacker, finding a boy about the same age as you with brown, slightly curly hair, and green eyes gleaming with mischief and...something darker.

Your breath caught in your throat as you stared back, entranced. He was the most beautiful, yet most dangerous boy you had ever seen. And he was definitely the boy who had paid you the most attention. Being a poor working lady dressed in patched rags didn't get you anything from the lads back home. But this boy didn't seem to care. His eyes were meeting yours with such intensity that you were surprised he wasn't melting them. But he was melting you. Something in him just enticed you, making you want to know more about this strange boy who lived in a jungle and silenced wild animals. You opened your mouth to weren't sure what, probably "Who are you?"

He silenced you by pressing his lips against yours hungrily. You melted into him, your lips matching his in desire, needing him more, needing his power, tasting his hunger. His tongue slipped effortlessly into your mouth in a short-lived battle for dominance. His tongue roved around your mouth, exploring and tasting you. He tasted of fresh air, damp earth, and freedom. Freedom and fun like you had never known before. Like you had always been searching for.

One of his hands moved from where he held your hands defenseless. It slowly made its way down your arms, through your hair, down your cheek, his skin feeling rough and warm. Then he cupped your chin, bringing your mouth even closer to his, even closer than you thought was possible. His body moved closer as well, pressing you tightly against the tree. His body brought warmth against the chilly night air and you could feel the hard muscles underneath his clothes.

You separated to gasp for breath, his lips not moving a beat, but making their way carefully down your face, under your chin, across your jawbone. He found your sweet spot and you let out a slight gasp. You could feel him smirking against your skin as he gently licked it. You leaned closer to him, wordlessly begging for more than teasing, but he drew back, wordlessly telling you that he would do it his way. You groaned in disappointment, and he came back, breathing lightly against your skin as you sharply inhaled. His teeth scraped gently against the skin and then he started kissing it again, with such passion and strength that you instantly moaned. He played with you, kissing and nipping and then disappearing, giving you nothing but his cool breath against your skin. "Please," at this point you were not above whining and begging for him to continue. Your eyes pleaded with him to continue. He raised a brow in questioning mockery. "Please!" He came back to your neck, pleasing you once more. You sighed in contentment, before moaning once again.

Eventually he moved back to your lips, capturing them wholly in his. You were hopeful that this time you would get to explore his delectable mouth, but he wouldn't let you, taking your mouth as his possession once more. Honestly, where did he get such strength? His tongue roved your mouth, exploring every nook and cranny. You moved your hands down, attempting to bring them around his neck, to play with his hair. His grip tightened, pressing your hands further against the rough bark which had probably already left an impression. You got the message, but whether you would be able to remember it was another matter. Your lips moved roughly against his, wanting him whole, every part of him that you could get. You pressed your body against his; needing him like nothing you'd ever needed before. A hunger filled your body, a hunger more powerful and unlike any you had ever known. A hunger he wouldn't fill.

All of a sudden, you were kissing air. Your hands slowly found their way to their positions by your sides as you stared into the biggest, most enraging smirk you had ever seen. The boy's green eyes gleamed with mischief. You lunged at him, about to make him give back what he had so rudely and smugly taken away.

That was when you sat bolt upright in your windowsill, breathing heavily. You blinked several times before you were able to start to take in your surroundings. your house and apparently had fallen asleep. But that dream had been so vivid, unlike any other dream you had ever had. You could remember every little detail, clearer than what you had done yesterday. You shivered, reaching up to close the window, as the night air had gotten too cold while you had been sleeping. You shut it and latched it, before noticing your reflection in its clear surface. You looked closer. It appeared that there was a red spot on your neck. You reached up to touch it, feeling that it was indeed sore and sensitive to the touch. You didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

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