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(A.N.) I'm sowy for not updating so damn long...
Well i have school and being an 8th grader is hard and with the problems of time management. I cant find time to make an upgate but here is a short filler chapter, and to explain and fix what i have done in the past chapter

(this is before everything in the past chapter happened cause thats trash and I want to make it better)

Minnie Hyung?
Can I come over?

Cause I got something
to tell you about
Channie Hyung!

Thwank you Hyung!
I got something to tell
you too!

No ones POV

A knock was heard from the front door of the Kim's house.

Seungmin ran to the door to see a pouty Jeongin.

(in Seungmin's room)

Jeongin and Seungmin was sitting in the older's bed with comfortable silence.

ut then Jeongin asked a question to Seungmin that he had never asked Hyunjin before.

"Hyung, what is love?", Jeongin said as he stood up from the bed, walking to the window where he can see Hyunjin's house.

"Well I think its when you feel safe when your with him or even when your teasing or annoying each other you still feel happy? I guess that is what I can answer, cause that is the way I feel for Channie Hyung.", Seungmin whispered the last few parts.

Seungmin always had a Big Fat Crush on Bang Chan, his Best friend.

But he's way to afraid to tell the older

And way to oblivious to see that the older has feelings for him.

"Hyung did you know that I like Jinnie?", Jeongin asked to Seungmin.

"Uhm yes. Why?"

"And you know that he hates the fact that if I have a boyfriend i wont tell him right?" Jeongin said with a smirk

"Yes and- why do you have that smirk on your face?", Seungmin said

"well, will you help me know if he likes me back or not?", Jeongin said

"cause I Yang Jeongin have a plan to make jinnie snap!", Jeongin said

Seungmin stood there dumb founded. He knows that Hyunjin and Jeongin has the same feeling for eachother. He just likes it when Jeongin does cute things to make Hyunjin confess

"okay so what are we gonna do?", Seungmin said

"and wait didn't you said you had a crush on me when i first came here?", Seungmin said

"I kinda just told jinnie that to get a reaction, but he didn't budge so...", Jeongin said.

"So?", Seungmin asked

"So... I'm here asking for help", Jeongin said

Jeongin and Seungmin was chatting away with their plan. So basically Seungmin's gonna call Jeongin Babe infront of Hyunjin. So that they can see how Hyunjin reacts to it

So this part onwards is after they have donetheir little plan on Hyunjin.

"What was that?", Jeongin asked Seungmin

"Uhmm I think you messed up big time", Seungmin said as he look at the crying boy who was running to his house

"I- i mean why is he crying?", Jeongi asked Seungmin.Wdll you see he didn't intend to hurt Hyunjinin any way, he was taken back of the Hyunjin's crying.

"Didn't you hear what he said before he broke down?", Seungmin asked Jeongin.

"no", Jeongin said

"He said, and I quote (?) "I really lik- I mean love you!" end of quote", Seungmin said imitating Hyunjin.

"I-i f***ed up didn't I?" that's all he was able to say.


Hi! Oh god its been really
long since i last updated.
I'm very sorry for that, and
ill tru and update more early, bit i wont promise
anything because i might
not keep that promise.
But I will try and give this book my all
and all my effort.
Thats all I guess
goodbye my babebies
see you at the next chap and keep safe always!

from your lovely mOtHeR
❤️ Denise ❤️

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