Her decor was minimal but created a relaxing environment. She hung some warm fairy lights across her curtain rod, and placed plants and seashells here and there. Ren pasted photos of the beach and ocean next to her bed, along with photos of some of her friends back in the States, she missed them.

Her last addition was her surf board, it had been so long since the last time she'd been able to ride a wave. Ren sighed and placed a hand on the board until there came a knock at the door. "Come in."

Uraraka slowly opened the door. "Dinner is ready... Wow... It's like a beach paradise in here!" Ochako admired the white and beige accents and seashells dotted around Ren's room. "My room is so boring again this year." She chuckled.

Ren followed Uraraka's gaze around the room. This was all she had. Everyone else had their stuff at their real homes but this was it for Ren, it had to be as homely as she could make it. "Anyway!" Uraraka broke her thought. "Let's go eat!"

She followed her to the dining area where they had fish, spring vegetables and rice. "The food is so good here." Ren said as their meals were drawing to a close. She poked a few flakey pieces of fish and watched them fall apart.

"They hire really good nutritionists." Tsu said. She wrapped her tongue around her chopsticks and cleaned them of all sauce with a single slurp. "And then have them trained by world class chefs."

"What was the food like in America?!" Ashido exclaimed. "I bet it was delicious!"

Ren thought for a moment. "It was good but it was different. More red meat, more bread, more potato. More dairy. We only ate lunch at AC though, there weren't dorms like there are here."

"It's a pretty new addition." Uraraka mumbled. The events of last year flashed through her mind. "So! How come you haven't thought of a Hero name?" She clapped her hands together excitedly. "We chose ours last year already."

Ren wiggled her nose as she thought about her response. "At AC they don't have you choose it until senior year. Basically they don't want the kids to pick something that they'll regret when they're older, like, King Murder or something lame like that."

Kirishima almost choked on his carrot as he snorted back a laugh. Kaminari slapped the surface of the table as he broke down into a fit of laughter. Those at Ren's table began to chuckle uncontrollably too.

"W-what? What did I say?" Ren stammered as she looked between the laughing faces of the entire class. Well, entire class except one. Bakugo's eyebrows twitched, his top lip curled up into a nasty snarl and he gripped his fork so hard the metal bent to the shape of his fist.

"That was- Bakugo's- First hero name!" Sero explained between fits of laughter and tears.

"NO IT WASN'T TAPE FACE!" Bakugo screamed at the black haired teen who was now doubled over on the table.

Ren covered her mouth as she felt a laugh coming on. "My bad..." She mumbled into her palm. "So, what are your names?" She asked when the class had settled down.

"Deku." Midoriya said cheerfully.

"Like, what everyone calls you anyway?" Ren asked with a raised brow as she tried to remember her Japanese. "Doesn't it mean someone who is helpless?"

"Mhm." He nodded joyfully. "It used to really upset me when Kacchan called me that but then I heard someone else say it and I realised it meant something else to me." He rubbed the back of his neck and a slight flush spread across his cheeks. "And it's kinda easy to remember, ya know?" He chuckled uneasily.

The class went around and announced their hero names to Ren. Occasionally, she'd ask why they'd chosen that name.


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