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    Her smile could seriously break me in half. I know she can do that using her powers, but really there's no need. When she smiles I feel like a part of me comes alive. Like I don't need anything else, but her happiness to survive. She must notice I'm staring at her because her laugh dies down, her cheeks turn a rosy red and she's still beaming at me. I put the small creature down and pet its head one last time before Lily scoops up the dog and carries him away. Kenji's staring at me with his mouth agape like I just grew another head.
    "Believe it or not Kishimoto, I don't actually hate all living things. You just hold a special place in my heart." I say as I turn to face him.
    "Awe really? I'm touched." he says as he mockingly places his hands over his heart. I roll my eyes and look over at Ella who is standing there with the biggest smile on her face watching the two of us babble.
    "So, um, about the sewage problem?" Winston says, hopeful that someone will volunteer to help. Before Ella can offer her assistance, Brendan sneaks up behind Winston and steals the wrench from his hand. Winston lets out a quick gasp of shock before relief floods him.
    "Jesus Brendan, you nearly scared the shit out of me!" Winston says and for the first time I notice the emotions that are surging between the two of them. I feel heat and electricity and I can sense their fondness of each other. I almost smile at my realization but of course Kenji blurts out some inappropriate nonsense that ruins the moment.
    "Just like all that sewage! Am I right?" He looks around waiting for a reaction from anyone. Ella lets out a giggle. Of course she would find his ridiculous humor funny. Even Nazeera cracks a smile. And once again I can feel the emotion bleeding out from her as she looks at Kenji. I don't know why he doesn't just make it official with her yet. I mean it's so blatantly obvious that Kishimoto is a fool for her, but still he continues to be an imbecile about it.
    "Ok let's go clean up the mess you made." Brendan says smiling at Winston.
    "It was not my-", "Let's go!" Brendan says as he interrupts Winston from his response. They look at each other and walk off smiling.
    "Kenji can I speak with you for a second." Nazeera says as she turns to face him.
    "Sure, what's up?" He says to her smiling, obviously failing to notice that she wants to talk to him alone. What an idiot.
    "Actually, I meant alone." She says looking up at him. Suddenly his face turns red and he stiffens as he says "Oh. Yeah ok sure." I didn't realize how much of an effect Nazeera has on him. I mean around her he sounds like more of an idiot that usual which is saying a lot. I look at Ella and wonder if I used to act a similar way around her. I shudder at the thought of acting so stupidly in front of anyone, let alone her. Nazeera takes Kenji's hand and pulls him away from the group and they walk off somewhere near the tents, but my focus is quickly pulled from them when I hear a new voice in the distance.
    "Adam!" James says as he runs towards us. He jumps into Kent's arms and I never see either of them so happy as when they are with each other.
    "Hey Warner!" James says turning to me. He instinctively goes in for a hug and my body goes stiff. I'm not used to such displays of affection from anyone other than Ella. I pat him on the back as I am not used to this and don't know what to do with my hands. I can see Ella trying and failing to stifle a laugh. Thank God Kent is aware of what is happening and is quick to peel James off of me. He's still smiling. For some reason I'm inspired to smile back.
    "We should get back to our tent now" Kent says looking at James. I silently thank him for understanding that I wanted to be with Ella alone. I mean it is our goddamn wedding day. They walk off which just leaves her and I standing here together. I look at her and I can't help but think about how beautiful she looks right now. Her long brown hair blowing gently with the wind and the sun is hitting her just right making her skin glow. God I love her so much. I could stare at her forever, drinking in her beauty for an eternity.
    "Aaron?" She says and I feel my muscles stiffen when she says my name. It still amazes me that this girl has so much power over me. I am so desperately in love with her and I can feel her emotions coursing through me. Love. Happiness. Peace. And a bit of concern.
    "I'm ok." I say, reading her mind. She smiles and grabs my hand.
    "Come with me." She says and pulls me along with her hand in mine. Suddenly she turns into me and wraps her hands around my neck. She gets up on her tippy toes and whispers into my ear "I think I need a shower before our big night tonight, care to join me?" She doesn't have to ask me twice. I pick her up surprising her and she wraps her legs around my waist so comfortably. She's smiling and laughing as I carry her towards our tent. Once we get to the door I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back so soft and yet so desperate. Like its something she's been doing for forever and then I realize that it will be forever soon. Because after tonight she will be mine forever. I look into her eyes and I can't contain my smile as I kiss her in through the door and lock it behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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