"No," Pheobe said, stifling a wide grin.

"Then why are you smiling?" Draco demanded.

"Is it so wrong for me to be happy?" Pheobe shot back.

"Yes! What're you hiding from me?"

"Go on, tell him!" said Ron giddily.

"What he said!" Draco said with his eyebrows knit together.

"So hypothetically-"

"Pheobe, I swear on my father-"

"I got a letter from the Ministry!" Pheobe said before Draco could finish.


"About the status on the Weasleys adopting me." she explained finally, "we sent it in not that long ago, and thought it could take a while, but I've got a letter about it now."

"And what's it say?" Draco asked cautiously. "Did they say it's been approved?"

"I don't know," said Pheobe plainly. "I haven't opened it yet."

"Well, don't bother opening it!" Draco scowled, "send it back!"

"And why on Earth would she do that, Malfoy?" said Ron.

"What's it to you, Weasley?"

"She's my sister, that's what it is."

"She's my sister too!"

"She was mine first!"

"We're related by blood! You can't say that, can you?"

"Sure I can, 'cause I've been here since she came to Hogwarts, unlike a certain daddy's boy who tried to kill her when she rejected him!"

"Can you guys have this argument some other time-" Pheobe interrupted weakly as they approached the entrance to the Great Hall.


"YES!" Pheobe shouted back, forcing them to stop and look down at her. "I hate that you two are taller than me. It's so annoying." and before they could turn and continue their fight, Pheobe grabbed Ron's arm and began dragging him towards the Gryffindor table, before quickly realizing she wasn't strong enough to do so, but to her luck, Ginny came over and, without asking any questions, immediately began helping her.

"This isn't over, Malfoy!" Ron called as he was dragged away by his two sisters.

"The hell it isn't!" Draco shouted back, stalking off.

"Thanks, Gin," Pheobe said brightly, dropping Ron and continuing the walk with Ginny.

"Anytime. Have you opened the letter yet?"

"Nah, I wanna do it when all of you guys are there," Pheobe said, "unless they said I can't get adopted by you guys. In that case-"

"If they say you can't, you're still a Weasley," Ginny said, "and we'll go on strike against the Ministry 'til they rethink it."

"That's comforting," Pheobe said unsurely with a grin.

"See you, then," Ginny waved to her as Pheobe walked off towards where Harry and Ron were sat.

"Hey," Harry said brightly as Pheobe sat across him.

"Hi," said the brunette, pulling a plate towards her.

"You tell Malfoy about the letter from the Ministry?"



"And he informed me he doesn't give two shits what's in that letter." Pheobe pursed her lips. "He'll have to suck it up, who cares?"

"Pheobe, you wanna practice before our match tomorrow?" Ron began, beside Harry, looking anxious. Pheobe sighed with a soft smile.

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