Ch.2 World Martial Arts Tournament

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3rd person POV

Another day of training on the lookout Y/n was trying to hit Uub as Uub just kept dodging like it was nothing.

Uub: ok that's enough for now

Y/n:*pant* c'mon *pant* I almost had you

Uub: Yea but if we continue your going to be late for the tournament

Y/n: right I almost forgot but master Uub can I ask a favor

Uub: sure what is it you need

Y/n: I was wondering if I win this tournament may I use the Dragon balls

Uub: hmmm actually I may allow you too but only if you can beat...

Timeskip to the Tournament Y/N POV

Y/n: ah the world Martial Arts Tournament although it's changed to accept use quirks still the same old Tournament

Announcer: 10 minutes till sign ups are closed

Y/n: shit gotta hurry

20min later

Announcer: alright those of you in the teenage bracket shall begin soon and remember 1st place will receive 10,000,000 zeni and a spot in UA's hero course

Y/n: I'm getting that UA acceptance easy so far I don't see anyone here that gonna give me trouble

1st Match

Announcer: 3..2..1.. FIGHT!!

My opponent rushed me with a flurry of punches and kicks which I dodged easily then they attempted to trip me with their tail to which I just step on it causing them some pain.

Y/n: ah I see this is your quirk

They didn't answer just nodded while in pain

Y/n: very well I guess I won't need to try then

I proceeded to pick them up by the tail and spin them then let go throwing them out

Announcer: Contestant Y/N wins by ring out moves on to the next match

I watched the rest of round 1's matches none really caught my eye till this one guy who froze nearly the entire Arena to win then proceeded to melt it all like it was nothing

Y/n:(smirking) perhaps I will have some fun after all

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