Chapter 8: Her Origin

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Note: In the Third Person POV I'm gonna be putting in CC (Cartoon Cat for some of you who don't know) and CD (Cartoon Dog) to save me sometime, I know it's lazy, but I don't want to keep typing the full name. :/ Also should I make Cartoon Dog and Cartoon Cat fight for (Y/n) for a bit?

Also this chapter is about Aya a bit cause I want some people to know some information about her and her backstory.

Third Person POV:

(Y/n) is seen laying on the filthy mattress, shivering cold as CC didn't give her a blanket to cover herself with. As (Y/n) layed in the bed cold, the door opens a shadow casting over (Y/n)s sleeping form. A banket is seen laid over her providing her warmth that see needed. A gloved hand is seen gently patting (Y/n)s head, then leaving the room closing the door.

Cartoon Dogs POV:

As I close the door, I slowly shake my head in disappointment, while making my way over to the room which containted my playmate.

"I can't believe my brother didn't provide (Y/n) a blanket, she would've caught a cold if I hadn't came by to check up on her." I thought to myself as I opened the door revealing my little playmate curled into a ball while shaking.

I look at her with concern and carefully approch her giving her a gentle pet on the head.

"It's okay my little friend, I won't kill ya." I said with a kind and cheerful tone.

She looks up at me, with some blood and tears coming down her face. 

"I'm not concerned of being killed..." She said in a emotionless tone, which made me feel a bit uneasy.

"You don't value your own life?" I asked with confusion on my face.

"Not really..." She said as she looked down at her bruised covered body.

"Wow..." I said with surprise.

"Is this human suicidal?" I thought to myself.

"Hey where did you come from and how come you don't value your own life?" I asked with curiosity.

"I knew that one day somebody was gonna ask about that.... might as well just let it out knowing that I am unable to die..." She said as her eyes grew duller.

This peeked my curiosity, and I sat down beside her and listened.

"I was born in a lab, my mother being human, and my father being a monster, as soon as I was born they were executed, right in front of me. The scientist were intrigued about my eye being different from the rest of the humans." She said as I could see a few tears and blood trinkle down her cheeks.

"After they were executed I was taken to a nursery somewhere in the lab, being taken care of by a few nurses... After I reached the age of 4 I was taken out of the nursery and transfered to a cell, I was Labled: Experiment - Infinity, lableing me a Low Threat the same day that the collar that I am wearing was sewn into me, without any anesthetics." She said as she shook a little.

I look at her with worry, wondering if she was going to breakdown crying.

"When I reached to the age of 7, I was taken into a testing room to be experimented on, they took blood, bone marrow, and saliva samples from me. My DNA revealed that I was Half Human, Half Spider Demon. Changing my Threat Level to Medium" She said as she looked down at her hands avoiding eye contact.

"Your a half spider demon?" I asked confused.

"Mhm..." Was all she said.

"Please continue." I said wanting to hear more.

Cartoon Cat (Yandere) x Reader [Canceled]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu