Young!Sirius Black x Reader || My Girl

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Request: Okay, so this is Sirius x Reader where you like him and he likes you but neither of you know that and you ask the Marauders and Lily and Marlene if they wanna go to Hogsmeade or whatever the next day but they are all busy except Sirius. So you guys go and you get cold so he gives you his hoodie and you forget to return it or don't want to because it smells like him and when you do at the end of the day he gets really happy because it smells like you and he wears it. Basically just fluff thanks.

Word Count: About 2,800.

Warning(s): Sexual tension, slightly suggestive comments, Sirius being hot as hell, kissing and stuff.

Note: In summary, this is a Sirius x Reader work about a cold night at Hogsmeade. Also, I deviated a bit from the request. Just a bit.

"We're all still on for tonight, right?"

"Yeah." Lily nodded, shrugging on a warm jacket as she headed out the door. "Marlene said to meet them in the common room before we go."

As you made your way down the staircase next to Lily, you spotted James, Peter, and Marlene lounging on a sofa near the fireplace. Huddled together, the trio seemed to be in a heated conversation.

Nearing them, you heard their hushed whispers.


"Just make up some excuse to–"

Once Peter spotted you approaching, however, he nudged the other two into silence.

"Y/N! Lily!" exclaimed Marlene, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. "Just the ones we've been waiting for."

With a quirked eyebrow, you took a seat on the arm of the couch. When they smiled innocently at you, you shook your head with a small laugh, looking around the room. You thought it might be best to ignore their impish antics. Around you, the Gryffindor common room was bustling with life and chatter. But amidst it all, you couldn't spot Sirius.

Not that you were waiting for him, of course. He just happened to cross your mind as you looked around.

"He's almost ready," said James, a cheeky grin playing on his face.

You cleared your throat, attempting to put on a face of indifference. "Who are you talking about, exactly?"

"I think you know."

Before you could reply, you noticed Remus and Sirius sauntering into the room from the boys' dormitories.

"Speak of the devil," you muttered as James shot you a wink.

When they spotted the group's little corner, they walked over.

"Remus," James called, waving him over, "I need to talk to you."

Dubiously, Remus made his way to James, leaving a confused Sirius behind.

"Well, hello to you too, Prongs," Sirius murmured, leaning against the armrest you were on. "I'd much rather talk to Y/N, anyway."

You nudged his leg with the edge of your shoe. "You're assuming I would want to talk to you in the first place."

The corner of his mouth tilted upward as he looked at you. "Wouldn't you?"

Rolling your eyes, you bit back a retort, instead saying, "As if."

You got up from the sofa, finding yourself shoulder to shoulder with Sirius as you stood. Through his windbreaker, you felt the heat radiating from his body.

"Are you guys ready to go?" you questioned, clapping your hands together. As much as you enjoyed lounging around with them, you would much rather get a move on with the remainder of the day.

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