Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

Start from the beginning

And I did not, I kept walking and hiding all day as I made my way through the forest while following the road from a distance. Noon turned into early evening and that into the later evening where the sky was starting to turn orange.

It was not until the sun had just set and the sky was starting to turn blue when I came across a building. I could not believe where I was and what the chances of this were.

" No. Fucking. Way. In all. Hell." I said to myself as I stared at the back of a very familiar building. It was still somewhat in the distance, but I recognized it instantly.

Holland Hill Asylum.

My steps became slower as I got closer and closer to the building. I rounded the corner of it until I was facing the front. All of the hedges along the driveway where overgrown and weeds had completely taken over the grass.

The glass of the front doors was shattered and torn off of their hinges, inside no lights were on. It was completely abandoned. Against every part of my brain telling me to keep going, I took one step forward, and another until I was walking through the front doors.

I would never have guessed that I was so close to this place again. Even though it took me practically the whole day to get from the house to here, I never knew that the twins would hunker down even remotely close to here.

Stepping back into the place where I was trapped for four years of my life brought to me a feeling I have never felt before. I knew it was a prison but at the same time, it felt like walking into an old house.

The inside was absolutely trashed. The front lobby's furniture was tipped over and broken, papers littered the floors everywhere, and to my dismay, there was dried blood on the walls and floor as well.

I stopped where the Lobby ended and it turned into corridors. I stared into the dark hallways only briefly illuminated by the dying light outside. Ok, it was time to keep moving. I turned around and screeched as I saw a tall figure in a long dark coat literally right behind me.

I jumped back, raising my arms and flinging them wildly at the person. They raised a single arm up in self-defense. Not attacking me back but warding off o my blows as best as they could.

" Wait! Y/N Stop please! I'm not here to hurt you!" An unfamiliar voice cried. It was defiantly not any of the twin's voices, but how did they know who I was? I stopped swinging my arms and looked over at the man.

Now that I was actually focussing on the face and not freaking the fuck out I was able to take in the stranger's details. He was tall and pale. He had neatly cut short brown hair and bright gray almost silver eyes. The thing that told you that you actually knew this man though, was that he was missing his left arm.

" Wait... Benjamin?" I asked shocked and bewildered at the man who was nodding his head in confirmation. I shook my head as I tried to process this.

" But... the last time I saw you you were an absolute wreck! How are you talking you could not last time!" I cried out and he held out his hand again. His nails were filed down neatly and clean.

" Please Y/N I can explain but let's do it elsewhere." I pleaded and I shook my head.

" No! Explain now!" I commanded and he sighed in frustration.

" I was not an actual patient at all. Just like Henry, I was a mole sent in as a patient in disguise to try and bring evidence of their cruel ways to light. Unfortunately, they decided that they were going to put me in your program and drug me up to the point where I went actually insane. When I was transferred to a different place my agency got me back they were able to slowly bring me back. That's why I can talk now... Y/N, I'm so sorry for everything that I did when I was down." He said in what sounded like a genuine apology. I looked at him for a minute.

" Apology accepted Ben," I said with a smile. " But, how did you know I would be here," I questioned and his eyes got scarily serious.

" That's just it, I didn't. That's why I suggested we move. I don't know if they are here but for the past few days I've been following the person responsible for framing you." He explained and my eyes went wide.

" You are?!" I cried, taking a step forward. " Who?!" I continued.

" Their name is-" He went to say before being interrupted by bullets that started reigning down on us. Ben threw me behind the nearest wall and the gunfire stopped. He pulled a pistol out of his coat and turned to me.

" Go! get out of here now! I'll hold them off! Get to the police station! Tell them to contact detective Dolin!!" He cried at you and you turned to flee as he started firing back at the unseen person.

My heart was pounding again as I ran for my life down the dark hallways. I could hear returning fire from the person trying to kill me. I cried out in shock as some whizzed passed my ears and struck the walls in front of me. I quickly made a turn down a different path.

The person who had framed me all those years ago was now here! And Ben never even got to tell me who it was!! I ran and ran even after the sound of gunfire faded into the background. I finally found a backdoor and shoved it open.

Running right into the arms of an unknown person. I screamed out and started fighting against their hold. I heard them shout at me and again, their voice seemed greatly familiar. However, I did not get to place it for I wrenched myself out of their grip. Only for me to lose my footing and slam back into the stone wall where my head hit harshly against it. The world went quiet, and I saw myself falling before everything went dark.

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