Getting out of There

Start from the beginning

" That does not justify any of this! Just because you tried to save her does not mean you get excused from all the other stuff you have done!! You do not get a get out of jail free card just for that one could attempt at doing something good!! You still kidnapped me! Hurt my brother! Invaded an old couple's home which ended in their deaths, and you have sexually assaulted me! What makes your demented mind think that I will ever willingly love you now!?" You screamed at him, and he looked down at the ground as he started to cry again.

" I don't think you'll love me. That's why this hurts so much. You make me want to be good but I just can't do any good." He said quietly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

" Joshua... let's talk about this. It's not too late for you to start doing good things. Let me out of this chain, and let's have a long talk ok?" I reasoned with him.

" No... no your mine!" He growled out and I flinched a little.

" Please Joshua we just need to talk!!" To my great surprise, he nodded after a long minute and reached into his trench coat, pulling out the key to the padlock that bound me to the pole. He took a step towards me.

" Pathetic." An angry and familiar voice rang out in the room. Joshua stopped and looked behind me and I turned around. Jack was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, he must have entered when Joshua and I were arguing. He pushed himself from the wall and took a few steps forward, his boots thumping loudly against the wood in the quiet room.

" Are you really going to let this happen, Joshua? Are you really going to let her toy with your emotions and make you go soft? You are the alpha dog, not her! What you out to do it show her whose boss!" I turned around so that I was directly facing him now.

" You say I am trying to control him but your the one who is telling him how he should do things! You only want to hurt people and that's all you want Joshua to want to do as well!" I shouted at him.

" Stop it both of you!!" Joshua cried, bringing his hands up to his face as he looked between his brother and me. Jack snapped his eyes over to Joshua.

" I've had it, Joshua! It was always just supposed to be you and me! Not you, me, and a bitch that won't ever even love you for who you are! It's time to make a decision brother. Stay with me, or keep this girl." Jack finished, glaring at his brother who was shaking his head slowly.

My eyes widened and I looked over at Joshua. My heart started pounding to the point where it was painful. Would he really do that?

" No... no, you can't make me do that... that's not something I cant do!" Joshua cried, tears running down his face as he covered his mouth with both hands. Taking a step back.

" Then I will decide for you." Jack hissed out. Suddenly, he whipped out a knife and charged right at me. I could not run away... this was it.

" NO!!!" Joshua shrieked. Lunging forward and barreling into his brother. Jack yelled out as the two of them tumbled on the ground. Joshua grabbed at the knife and tried to wrestle it from his brother's hand.

I was breathing heavily and I tried to walk back but the chain snagged be and I fell onto my rear. I was stuck and could only watch helplessly as the twins wrestled around.

A gleam on the ground suddenly caught my attention. It was the key!! Joshua must have dropped it. I moved over and tried to reach out to it. But it was only a few inches too far away. I cried in fear and frustration, looking back to the brothers.

Jack was now on top of Joshua, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his torso into the floor. My eyes shifted to the bed and I suddenly got an idea. I crawled over to the bed, grabbing onto the blanket and quickly sprawling back towards the key.

I threw the blanket over the top of the key like a net and dragged it closer, almost shouting in joy when I picked up the small metal object. My hands were shaking so badly that I almost dropped the key as I tried to align it with the padlock hole.

I twisted it and it popped open, I slid the shackle off and made way straight to the door. I never looked back as I ran down the stairs, almost tripping a few times. I could still hear the boys fighting upstairs as I ran down all the floors and onto the ground floor.

I bolted straight for what looked like the front door. It was locked so I had to fumble with handles for a second before I slammed through the opening and into the fresh morning air.

The sun still had not come up yet, but this was indeed the front yard. I started running on wobbly legs over to the car, but it too was locked. I had no other choice but to start running down the road. I was whimpering with practically every breath that left me. I was finally free! I just had to stay that way now.

I knew that whoever it was that won the brawl, would find me gone and come looking for me. I had to get off the road, but If I left the road and ran straight into the woods, who knew if I would ever come back out. I had an idea but it was risky... but so was every single decision right now.

I veered off into the woods, running a few hundred feet into the treeline, to the point where I could just barely see the road. My plan was to follow the road in the cover of the forest, that way if I saw anything coming I could hide. I could not trust any cars coming down the road since I could barely see it at this point. I just had to find the nearest town and get help from there.

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