Part 1

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"Jinhyuk?" My sister calls from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I answer, not wanting to look up from my 3ds.

"C'mere a minute!"

"Did Mom call?"


"Then I'm not moving"


I don't answer her. She stomps up the stairs and into my room.

"Oh, hey Haneul-Noona. You need something?"

"Yes. I need you. I need your attention."

I glance up at her in my doorway. She's excited about something, but irritated with my lack of response.


"I have some people I want you to meet. They're both new around here, and you could use some friends."

"People? No thank you." I look back down at my DS.

"They'll be over in 15. I'm worried about you, you know." She mutters. I feel her eyes on me from the doorway. "You've shut yourself out since dad died. You're lonely."

"15 minutes, cool. Let me get dressed." I squirm under her pitying gaze. She

leaves my door cracked and goes downstairs to prepare.


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Liked by 3rd.Hanyo, Letmehlive, Kasper and 737 others

Pokeboi@haneul_byeong is making me make friends

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3rd.Hanyo Making friends? Without me? Ouch /:

User_unknown Man i love your style

Pokeboi @3rd.Hanyo Yeah i dont have a choice

haneul_byeong Sir come help me clean

Yukant Where did you get that shirt? Birthday present for Tokki👀

Race.her_Head @yukant babe that would be kyo

Pokeboi @yukant I got it from hot topic but it looks like youre busted

Letmehlive As long as they know im your bstf there won't be problems 😤

3rd.Hanyo @letmehlive kwanhyeong you think you're his bstf? think again 😤

I locked my phone and walked downstairs. Haneul looked up from the couch with her phone at her ear.

"Hey, Jin! I- Oh really? Spill."

"Is that Addison?" I ask as I wander to the kitchen to scrounge for food.

"Yes. She says Hi!"

"Hi, Addison."

The doorbell startles us both.

"Addie, I gotta go. Bye, Honey!!" My sister, practically bouncing, runs to the door. 

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