Special exam

6.3K 113 14

(It takes place after vol 2-1)

Ayano pov

When I enter the classroom it was still many people glaring at me. But they soon diverted their eyes when Chabashira-sensei came in with an intense expression.

Chabashira-sensei "okay, settle down Class! I have an importent announcement today!"

She set on the monitor and started to speak.

Chabashira-sensei "As you probably have noticed. You have a new special exam coming up."

Hirata "what kind of special exam?"

And as usual Hirata was the first to ask something about the special exam.

Chabashira-sensei "This special exam will test your obervation ability and your ability to gather information. Your task is to answer specific questions that the school has prepared about the selected people."

Horikita "How are these people?"

Chabashira-sensei "Each class will select one person from their class. Your job is to protect that person and make sure that person's information is not leaked out to the other classes. And you will also gather information about the people the other classes selected."

Hirata "When will we choose a person from our class?"

Chabashira-sensei "You will give me the name of the person you select at 4 o'clock today."

Hirata "When will we know who the other classes chose?"

Chabashira-sensei "You will find out tomorrow at 12 o'clock."

Horikita "Which are these questions that we will be answering?

Chabashira-sensei "The questions will be given to you tomorrow at 9 o'clock. Their is a total of 15 questions that the class must answer together. For every question you answer correctly, you gain 10 class points. But for each question other classes ansver correctly about the person you selected. Your class will lose 5 class points. The class that takes first place win 100 class points. The class that takes second place win 50 class points. But the class that takes 3 place loses 50 class points and the class that takes last place loses 100 class points."

The ideal outcome wode be to win 550 class points and the worst wode be to lose 325 class points.

Chabashira-sensei "Make sure you select the right person."

Horikita "When will the special exam end?"

Chabashira-sensei "As I said before the special exam begins tomorrow at 9 o'clock and it will end next week on freday at 9 o'clock. You will have 11 days to find information and answer the questions. Then at 12 o'clock you will hear the result."

The class was filled with silence.

Chabashira-sensei "I've explained what I need to and it dosen't seem that you have anymore questions. A manual will also be available online with all the rules. You have a free period during the rest of the class. You can have a strategy meeting if you want. Good luck."

Chabashira-sensei then exit the Classroom and left. Then Horikita went to the front of the classroom and prevented people from leaving, to have a strategy meeting.

Ike "Who should we choose?"

Just as Ike many in class was wondering the same thing.

Horikita "Well, considering that the other classes will gather information about the person we choose. And the fact that we don't know have the questions. I think it's best if we choose a person, that the other classes knows as little about as possible."

Shinohara "But, who in our class know we the least about?"

Kei "yaa, who?"

Many in the class was looking at each other and tried to find the person they knew as little about as possible.

Horikita " I think I know who to choose."

Ike " Who?"

Horikita "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka"

Everyone was looking at me. And I thought to myself "why me?". Well I can guess why. But still.

Shinohara "Ayanokouji? Why him?"

Ike "yaa, why him?"

Horikita "Well, do you knew anything about Ayanokouji except that he is good at running and math?"

Shinohara and everyone in the class was looking at me. And tried to figure out if they knew anything about me. Well of course they can't think of anything special. Because I haven't said anything special about myself to anyone. And I don't intend to do so in the future either.

Ike " I can't think of anything."

Kushida "l can't think of anything as well. You don't talk about yourself much Ayanokouji-kun?"

Ayanokouji "I have no reason to."

Hirata "I think Ayanokouji is a good choice?"

And of course most people in the class also thought it was a good choice because hirata thought so. But personally it was not a good choise at all.

Horikita "Then it's decided. We will choose Ayanokouji. Any objections?"

And it was no objections from anyone in the class except me. But of course that was ignored.

After school was over for the day I packed my bag and headed back home to the dorm.

This special exam will be difficult to handle. People will be spying on me for days. And try to gather information on me. Something I don't want to happen and the director Tsukishiro may have someting to do with this.

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