"What would he do?"

"He'd show 'em. Bunch of crumpled ones and loaded 22 Magnum," the director of SHIELD said with a smile. It was obvious in his face that he looked up to his grandfather.

Winnie felt honoured to be apart of that moment. Nick Fury was not the type of guy to show emotion like that or speak about his past and own feelings so being their first hand was truly something to the girl

"Grandad loved people. But he didn't trust them very much."

As Fury finished his sentence, Steve turned around to look at what he and Winnie were looking at and when he noticed, his mouth gaped open

"Close your mouth, Steven," Winnie smirked as she noticed his surprised expression, "You'll catch flies."

The underground room was massive, absolutely massive; it surprised Steve that he never came across it or noticed that it was down here. There were large planes and weaponry everywhere that ranged in all different sizes and ant-looking people were walking around doing their jobs.

So much was happening in front of them that it was a little hard to take in everything.

"Yeah I know, they're a little bit bigger than a .22."

After a short few seconds, the elevator door opened and Nick led the two of them around - of course, Winnie had already seen all this before many many times but she stayed to keep Steve company and to also look at all the good looking men use their muscles to carry things.

What? We all have our reasons.

"This is Project Insight," Fury began as the three of them walked around, "Three next-generation Helicarries synced to the network of targeting satellites."

"Launched from the Lemurian Star," the Star-Spangled man said matter-of-factly.

Fury nodded his head. "Once we get them in the air, they never need to come down. Continuous suborbital flight courtest of our new repulsor engines."


Winnie made an over-enthusiastic smile at Steve and clapped her hands, "Well aren't you a smart cookie?"

Both of the men rolled their eyes at the girl's comment. "Well, he had a few suggestions once he got an up-close look at our old turbines. These new long-range precisions guns an eliminate a thousand hostiles in a minute. The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside the spider hole. We gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen."

"I thought the punishment usually came after the crime."

"We can't afford to wait that long."

Steve furrowed a brow. "Who's 'we'?"

Fury hesitated a few seconds before turning away from Steve a little bit and begin speaking, "After New York, I convinced the World Security Council we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis. For once we're way ahead of the curve."

"By holding a gun at everyone and calling it protection," the Rogers man remarked judgingly.

"You know," Fury huffed with humour, "I read those SSR files. Greatest generation? You guys did some nasty stuff."

Winnie noticed Steve clench his jaw in irritation, "Yeah, we compromised. Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well. But we did it so the people could be free. This isn't freedom this is fear." He turned to look at the White girl, "How are you okay with this?"

The question took Winnie off guard, shocking her a little bit. "I don't agree with all of it, just some parts," she explained, choosing her words carefully. "I trust Fury to have the world's best interests in mind and if it means it has to come to this that so be it."

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