Rushing out, I walked pass my mom and sister who were busy having breakfast. As I woke up earlier, I had already had mine so I left without a second glance.

   Once I reached the tall building, I went into the lobby and into the elevator. Since I was the only one in, the elevator took me straight to Mr West's floor. Once I came out, I could smell the fresh air conditioned air.

   I pushed through the thought of distraction and made Mr West's coffee but I couldn't help blacking out. I got to my office and dropped off my bag, sitting down. I sipped my coffee slowly, enjoying the rich taste of the coffee beans.

   At his usual time, I heard the door of Mr West's office close. Waiting for a minute to make sure he was settled in, I took his still streaming coffee in my hands, making my way to him.

    He called me in after I knocked twice. I stepped into the quiet sounds of his office. As I studied him, I realized he looked different. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was because he wasn't busy, like other mornings. His face wasn't buried in something. Instead he was watching my every move that it made me wish I wasn't wearing such a fitting skirt.

  He didn't wait for me to place it on his table, instead he met me halfway, slipping it from my fingers.

"How is Miss Jones?" He muttered before taking a long sip.

"She's leaving the hospital today, she'll be back to work by tomorrow." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could. He pulled the cup from his lip fast, placing his fingers on his lips, almost like he was frozen for words

"That's good." He nodded continuously "is her arm fully healed?"

"Fully healed." I replied.

   Catherine was fully held and she was ready to come back to work. That was what she texted me earlier in the day. I Needed to be happy she was out. It was her job and I shouldn't have gotten so attached to it.

"That's good." He peered back at me, his eyes gentle. "That's good, right?"  His tone became softer and more like a whisper.

"Very good." I replied in almost the same low tone as him, my eyes falling. And for the first time, Mr West and I stayed in a calm silence.

"Well..." He started speaking again."You can go. I'll call you when I need you."

"Yes sir." I nodded once,taking my leave.

                  *           *             *
   At lunch,everyone was happy Catherine would be back but at the same time, they were also sad because it meant I'd leave. They were all so fond of me, including Debra.

   I was going to miss eating lunch with them everyday but we would be in the same building since it wasn't all bad. Plus I needed a job that paid.

   Since I was hired because I was in Mr West's debt, it meant I would be working and wouldn't be earning anything. It was only for a few weeks and the money I owed was so much more than I could pay. It was more than a generous offer but we needed cash.

  The reason we were still on our feet was because my mom was fully healed enough for her to go back to her old job working at a store as a clerk.

  I went back to my office and after a few hours I started cleaning out my stuff. The stuff I had would fit in a small box, as I tried my best not to leave too much stuff behind. I was already done packing when Mr west called me into his office.

  He had replaced my coffee with a glass of alcohol, maybe whiskey, but he didn't look drunk. The first day I ever saw him drink was on my last day.

"Pick up that white envelope. Its yours." His eyes directed me to the clean envelope on his desk. I hesitated before doing as he instructed. I took a step forward, pulling the envelope off his desk and into my hands.

   As I fumbled with it, I slowly open it, peeking in when my eyes caught huge bills. My lips parted slightly and my head jerked up quickly,making my ponytail dance around.

"I think there's been a mistake" I closed the seal

"There's been no mistake. That's your pay check of sorts."

"I thought I didn't have a paycheck. I'm supposed to be paying a debt"

"And you have"

"I don't understand." I took a step forward. "I thought the deal was that I work for you until Miss jones returns and my debt would be cleared."

"If my memory serves me right, I never said I wouldn't pay you. You just assumed that." He voiced. "That's your salary and your debt has been cleared. You can go now."

  I tried to speak but no words came out. I understood what he was doing, I just didn't know why he was doing it. If he was paying me,it meant my debt must not really be cleared, he must've just chosen to ignore it.

"Thank you." I smiled at him even though I knew he wouldnt smile back. I held his eyes for a quick second,only for him to break the stare.

"You may leave." He said again, jerking me up. I nodded and turned around to leave. Just as I was about to take a step forward,I turned back to him.

"Just so you know, I liked working for you." I chuckled a little before rushing out of his office.

             *                  *                  *
   The cab pulled up in front of my house and I quickly came out. I paid him straight and watched the cab slowly turn around and speed off in the night sky.

   I checked my watch and realised It was after nine pm, which was later than my usual time.

   Since it was my last day, a few of my friends decided that they'd take me out for a drink. A few of us went to a restaurant where we grilled pork grinds and meat and we had a lot of alcohol. It was fun how we all gathered around a table, talking and laughing.

  The meat was tasty and I was sure half of them were already drunk when we were halfway though the night.

   I wasn't drunk because I had a good tolerance of alcohol. It wasn't high, wasn't low, just normal. Plus I didnt drink so much. After eating, we got out and all took separate cabs home. I quickly opened the front door, entering.

"Annabell, is that you?" My mom called from somewhere inside the house.

"It is." I called back. Strolling into the living room, I saw camila sitting next to my mom. Just as I was about to ask her why she wasn't in bed I realized it wasn't her curfew yet.

"You're home late." My mom crossed her legs, giving me all her attention. I dropped the box containing my stuff on my legs as I sat down

"It was my last day so my friends took me out." Camila came to my side,sitting next to me and sniffing me.

"To the alcohol factory?" Camila eyebrows raised as I glared at her.

"You went out?" My mom blinked at me twice

"It was my farewell dinner and yes, I drank. Quite a bit, really"

"Okay. You're an adult, you don't need my permission. You are more than capable of handling yourself." Mom got up, stretching her Arms. "I'm off to bed. Goodnight girls. Camila, off to bed."

"Alright. Night mom." She said and as soon as she did, the door to the bedroom closed shut. A few minutes talking to camila, and I was off to the bathroom. When I came out both she and my mom were out cold. Within minutes of laying my head on the pillow, so was I.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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