unfinished sou being a brother to kanna (YTTD)

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yes it's unfinished...

Kanna always stuck to Sou. Sou always stuck to Kanna. It was almost like they were inseparable. It seemed like he was..watching out for her safety. This time, Sou was just sitting down on the edge of his bed, with his legs crossed and his hand on his cheek. He was quite bored, not looking at anything else but the wall in his room. Kanna was just standing there, right next to Sou's bed looking at the ground in silence. Well this was an awkward moment. Then, Sou's head lifted up to look at Kanna, and he motioned her to come closer. Bucket girl doesn't realize until a few seconds afterwards that Sou is looking at her. She jumps mentally and quickly run-walks over to Sou's side.

"You know..." Sou starts, "How long have you've had that bucket?" She looks at Sou for a few seconds then started to speak up. "Kanna has had this...for a couple of years now..." She says, while reaching her hand up to her head going to mess with the handle of the bucket. "Hmm...would you like a new one when we get out of here, Kanna?" The beanie boy says with a slight smile. Suddenly, Kanna shakes her head, meaning it as a 'no'. Sou frowns a bit at this, and he moves the hand that was on his cheek on the bed. "Why not? You know that bucket doesn't look good, right? is completely out of style. It should be improved." He then states, looking at Kanna with a very serious face. Kanna then jumps at Sou's sudden serious tone. "H-Huh..??" Kanna mutters out with an upset tone. Did people really think her bucket was ugly? Why did Sou suddenly say that..? Did Kanna did something wrong?

"Just kidding, of course." He says, softening his face. He was trying to make a joke...thinking Kanna wouldn't take it as serious. After a few seconds of silence, Sou awkwardly chuckles and lifts his scarf over his face up to the top of his nose, and turns his head away from Kanna, muttering something. After another few seconds, he says his muttering words louder. "...I'm sorry." Sou turns to look at Kanna again, and nervously smiles. "It was suppose to be a joke, I don't think it's ugly." Kanna stands there and nods, signaling she understands. "Though tell me, why do you keep that bucket around?"
She knew exactly what to say..though it brought back not so great memories. "Kanna keeps it because...it reminds her of someone special." She says, with a genuine smile.
(and then I lost motivation im very sorry..you can let me know if you want it continued.)

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