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It's a Monday morning, the first day back in school after summer break. Maya climbed into Riley's window to see here sitting in the bay window.

"You ready Riles?" Maya asked.

"Do you know what today is Maya?"

"End of summer?"

"No silly, today is our first year as juniors. Isn't it exiting! Today marks the start of a new year, a new begening...." Riley went on.

"Come on quit your yaping and let's go Lucas and Zay are waiting for us." Maya cuts her off.

They meet the boys outside the apartment. Lucas puts his huge hand on Riley's face dragging it to his and gives her a peck on the lips.

"Morning beautiful" he wispers into her ear

Zay notices Maya looks away from the lovebirds and let's out a weak smile.

He hugs her and gives her a kiss on her forehead.

She can't help but smile showimg off her dimples.

"Now thats the smile I know and love" Zay says as he plays with her hair.

They all walk to school together

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