Ch. 1 The Preface

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It is a sunny day at the Dursley's residence at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England on Sunday, June 23, 1991. A ten-year-old male with red hair and green eyes named Basil Alder Potter is peacefully sleeping in his bedroom that he shares with his younger twin brother, ten-year-old black-haired and green-eyed Harry James Potter.  

The door to their bedroom opened, revealing their maternal Aunt, thirty-two-year-old dark brown-haired and blue-eyed Petunia Marigold Dursley nee Evans.  

" Basil. Harry. Time to wake up," Petunia calls out to her nephews.  

" Mm. What time is it?" Basil mumbled underneath his bedsheets.  

Petunia walked passed the two beds as she went to stand in front of the windows, and she pulls the curtains to the side to let the sunlight shined on her nephews.  

" It is seven o'clock in the morning," Petunia informed Basil as she turns around, and her blue eyes softened when she sees the red-haired male stare at her sleepily.  

When Petunia held Basil in her arms for the first time on November 1, 1981, the young red-haired male reminded the dark brown-haired female of her father, Basil Evans. She knew that her younger sister, twenty-one-year-old Lily Jasmine Potter nee Evans, named the child after their father.  

Like Lily and Young Basil, Mr. Basil Evans had red hair, green eyes, and a friendly aura. When he was alive, those that knew him informed his two daughters that Basil was kindhearted, hardworking, loyal, and a good man.  

Even though Petunia is aware that her nephew, Basil, would someday be magical like her younger sister, Lily, she had decided then and there to raise him and her other nephew, Harry.  

Because Petunia knew that her father, Mr. Basil Evans, would have wanted her to be in the children's lives since they had no one but her.  

" Today is your cousin's eleventh birthday. So, we are going to the zoo," Petunia informed Basil.  

Basil happily smiled at Petunia when he hears that they will be going to the zoo for his maternal cousin, eleven-year-old dark brown-haired and blue-green eyed Dudley Dursley's birthday.  

" Okay!" Basil excitedly responded.  

" Wake your brother up," Petunia asked Basil as she leaves her nephew's bedroom.  

Basil watched Petunia leave the room as he turns his gaze to Harry, and he sees that his younger brother is peacefully sleeping. The red-haired male then grabs a pillow as he throws it across the room to the curly black-haired male, which wakes him up.  

" H-Huh. I-I'm awake," Harry stuttered as he sits up straight, and he sees a pillow on his lap.  

" Hey. Aunt Petunia said to wake up," Basil informed Harry.  

" Did you have to throw a pillow at me?" Harry asked Basil as he yawns. 

" It's the only way I could wake you up," Basil amusingly chuckles as he gets out of bed, and he stretches.  

" I am going to hit the showers," Basil tells Harry as the young red-haired male walks out of their room, and he closed the door behind him.  

" Morning, Uncle Vernon," Basil politely greets his maternal uncle, thirty-two-year-old brown-haired and blue-eyed Vernon Edgard Dursley.  

" Morning, Basil," Vernon greets Basil as he ruffled his red hair.  

" Did you sleep well? I know you and Dudley trained hard last night," Vernon looked down at Basil with a worried gaze.  

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