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Hello people! This is my first time posting a story on here. I really have no idea where I'm going with this, and I haven't even decided on the main character's name yet. :P I'll probably get a few bursts of excitement and set off a few plans, but you'll have to wait and see. ^^ I hope you like it!



My life hardly ever goes my way. Never, in fact. When I wanted my parents to stay together, they got divorced. When I wanted to live with my father after the separation, I had to live with my mother. When I hoped that my older brother would move out as soon as he turned eighteen, it didn't happen.

I hardly even see my mom. She works herself silly, with the weird idea of never having enough money for us. Curtis, my older brother, works part-time at a local music store, so I guess it's okay. At least he raises some money. I don't. I'm already seventeen, and I just can't seem to hold onto a job. Curtis is twenty-one. And he's never fired. He quits. Pretty sad, huh?

I am normally the only one home, because of this. My 'job' is cleaning up and cooking. I usually spend my weekends and after school hours running errands around the house. And to make things worse, I have no friends to speak of. Even though I'm easy to get along with, people at school avoid me, literally. The only friend I have is our Siberian Husky, Gina. The only problem with that is she can't do projects with me, let alone come to school.

If you're wondering what goes through my head when I practically have nothing to think about, it's what could be. So now, I'm expecting you to say what everyone else thinks about me. "Sucks to be you." But does it really?

Sucks To Be Me...Or Does It?Where stories live. Discover now