"Well, in that case, why don't you bring the whole gang over?" Her father proposed as he settled into his chair with a plate full of steaming hot soup. "Thanks to the new grocery store opening, we have plenty of Asian cuisine to offer for taste testing!"

Yumi warmed at the sight of her father's happiness. It took so little to make them feel safe and secure. Yumi wished more than anything she could settle back into that normal teenage lifestyle where her biggest worry was passing classes and trying to keep her crush on Ulrich a secret.

Ulrich. Only ten more months until she never saw him again. Well, of course, he and the rest of the group would promise to keep in touch, send emails, texts, do a few group chats every weekend, but eventually, she'd be forgotten. Not to mention Yumi's replacement had already been selected, and Saphire couldn't wait to see Yumi out.

"You know what, dad, that sounds like a great idea!" Yumi decided. "I'm sure the group will love to try mom's awesome cooking, and your awesome grocery shopping skills!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Her dad beamed.

Her parents and their wishes and dreams for Yumi were part of the reason her plan needed to happen, and also succeed. They had sacrificed way too much to let Yumi toss it aside so she could continue to battle X.A.N.A. for the rest of her life.

So as soon as Yumi spotted Saphire that next morning, bright and early for breakfast, she made a beeline for her. Of course, Odd and Jeremie were already there, practically attached to her side.

"We need to talk." She said tersely, regarding the group with a strict eye.

"Sure, Yumi. What about?" Jeremie addressed her with a wary look.

"About her." Yumi's eyes zeroed in on Saphire's face.

She had her head down, but Yumi could see the suspicion growing on her face. She had to know Yumi was there to stir up another mess for her, and so be it, let her know. Yumi had outright told her multiple times she did not like or trust or believe a word that came out of Saphire's mouth, and she still didn't get the message. If she needed to hear it a few more times, fine, Yumi would scream it at her until her voice went hoarse - if that's what it took for her to understand it in plain Earthian language.

"Um, okay. Let's take a seat. Ulrich and Aelita aren't here yet."

"No. This can't wait. And she doesn't get to sit with us anymore."

"Why not?" Odd questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"We can't be associated with her anymore, not if we want to keep this whole Lyoko business under wraps," Yumi explained, keeping her eyes on the boys instead of Saphire. She didn't want to get lulled into whatever emotional trick Saphire was waiting to pull out. She was silent so far, watching Yumi with careful, curious eyes that gave away nothing.

"Wait, Yumi, what are you saying?" Jeremie moved away from Odd and Saphire, closing the small gap between him and Yumi. "You want us to ostracize Saphire, and for what? We need her."

"We need her for fighting X.A.N.A., not for having breakfast, lunch, and dinner," Yumi argued.

"But she barely even eats, she's always at the library," Odd added.

"Not my problem." Yumi held her ground. "And if she wants to eat in the cafeteria, then she sits by herself. The more distance we can put between her and the group, the better. Just think: won't people want to know why we're suddenly latching onto the new girl? Again? We did it with Aelita, but she at least stopped drawing attention to herself after a while. People forgot about her, took her in as a normal student, but she," Yumi shot Saphire a menacing glare. "will always draw attention to herself. Whether it be with the guys, like Theo and Mathias, or with Sissi. I even heard the teachers talking about her, how she's always zoning out in class yet still manages to produce the right answer?"

Code Lyoko: The New Girl (BK 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora