One - A Fresh Face

Start from the beginning

Bakugo contemplated if it was worth gracing them with his gaze and eventually rotated his chin in his palm again. His brow crinkled when his eyes fell on her, surprised to find himself more interested than he thought he'd be. She was a little shorter than Deku but taller than Uraraka. Her skin was darkened by the sun with freckles dancing across her nose and cheekbones. She was fit, her build strong. Her hair was a pale gold and fell in messy curls down to her waist, she had a stud in her left ear and two in her right. Her eyes sharpened at the corners and her plush eyelashes fluttered as she blinked. They were crystal clear blue, as if they could see the calm ocean in them.

'Damn. Why is she kinda...' Bakugo thought to himself before he snarled away the thought.

Girls were only a distraction from him reaching the top and it frustrated him that he found himself more and more interested in them the older he got.

"Yesth! She isth hot!" Mineta exclaimed to himself. Momo Yaoyorozu slammed his head into his desk, making his short arms flail against his desk.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Ren Chinami." Iida held his arm toward her and she lazily raised her hand to flutter her fingers as greeting. 

A dark leather satchel backpack hung over her mildly untidy uniform. She had the top button undone and the tie loose around her neck. Her thigh-high socks were slightly uneven and her blazer sleeves were rolled up. Iida's eyebrow twitched at what he considered to be an unpresentable appearance.

"Are you still here?" Aizawa muttered to Present Mic.

Mic glanced at Aizawa before he darted out the door with a loud chuckle. Iida took his seat while they all continued to stare at Ren. She tugged on her skirt awkwardly before she cleared her throat.

"Uh, so, I'm Ren Chinami but you can call me Ren, I kinda prefer it and I'm pretty used to first names since I've been living in the States." Mumbles travelled between the seats again and Ren grimaced. "I've been going to Super AC, the Hero school in Los Angeles but moved back so... Transferred here." She shrugged and looked to Aizawa for assistance.

"Any interests you'd like to share with your classmates?" Aizawa suggested.

"I like... Surfing. And..." She bit her lip and looked at her shoes, noticing that there was already a scuff on the toe, and she wondered how she'd managed to do that already. "I like sharks."


"What about your Hero name?" Midoriya raised his hand.

"Haven't thought about it."

"What's your quirk?!" Yuuga Aoyama gave her a triangular smirk while he rested his head on his palms.

"Oh- Um, basically I can-" Ren began.

"I think the best way for us to experience Ren's quirk will be on the training grounds." Aizawa cut her off and she turned to him with a small smile before nodding once. "Ren, take your seat beside Uraraka." He tilted his head in the desk's direction. "Uraraka."

"Yes, Mr Aizawa, sir!" Ochaco Uraraka snapped her attention to him.

"Take care of Chinami today." Aizawa slid a few papers around on his desk with one hand while the other flapped lazily in front of him in Uraraka's direction. "Show her around and all that. Now, before we move onto the training grounds, I've got a couple of events for you to remember. As usual, we'll have the sports festival fairly early into the year, and along with your work studies you'll be expected to complete another internship program, as work studies aren't compulsory. You'll do two weeks in Okinawa after the summer, kinda like a class work study. We also-" Aizawa sighed. "Have the second year dance. And that will be commencing just before your winter break over Christmas."

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