Y: hey are you alright ?

O: yeah um I'm fine-

We just stared at eachother for a bit till we heard

?: *gasp* little sis ! You have a boyfriend!

We both looked behind us and I saw a tall girl , black hair and tan skin she kinda looked like y/n and she had some small tats on her neck . Y/n got up and I did too just in case I had to hold on to her from doing something stupid .

Y: what are you doing here !

?: well I saw you from the road me and my friends where taking to a cabin and I saw you so I thought I'd come and surprise you

I looked over at y/n she looked furious

Y: what I have I told you about me and you

?: well that you don't like me but I don't care your my sister and that's all that matters to me , soo you gonna introduce me to your boyfriend?

Y: he's not my boyfriend and I'm not your sister !

?: would you take a chill pill

She went around y/n and came towards me , she stuck out her hand for me to shake .

?: hi I'm Bailey , y/ns sister

O: I'm-

Y: for the last time your not my sister!

B: hush y/n let the boy speak , geez . What's was your name again

O: ondreaz my name is ondreaz

B: well ondreaz nice to meet you hope your treating my lil sis right

Y/n rolled her eyes , I knew she was in a bad state but it was cute when she was mad so I said

O: yes I am actually

Y/n looked at me straight in the eye with a murderous stare but I just giggled and smiled

B: oh so I guess dad did finally let you date has he

Y: n-

I walked over and covered her mouth pushing her towards me , we both listened to Bailey rant while y/n tried to take my hand off her mouth .

B: wait if your actually her boyfriend, kiss her

Y/n finally managed to get my hand off

Y: what !

B: you heard me kiss her ondreaz

O: alr

I turned y/n around and cupped her little face into my hands and smashed my lips against hers . She was in shock for a bit but eventually kissed back and deepened it , we were kissing for a few more minutes when one of baileys friends called her over that they were leaving .

B: awwww well I'll see you later sis , luv you

I pulled away , we stared deeply into eachothers eyes not breaking eye contact y/n said

Y: yeah mmh luv you too

Once y/n said that she snapped out of her trance .

Y: omg why did you kiss me ?!

She hit my arm

O: you seeemed to like it

Y: y- ugh !

She turned around in frustration, I went infornt of her and hugged her

O: sorry shortie

Y: uh- haha it's fine

O: oh but one more thing

I kissed her one more time and when I pulled away I ran for it but I still heard her chasing me and yelling

Y: Ondre you little - haha

We had a fun night but after a while it had to come to an end which bye that I meant till 1 in the morning . But it was fun having y/n around she was sweet and funny . We were in the car going back home when I felt y/n reaching for my hand so i moved it closer to her . She wrapped her fingers around mine so cutely I smiled and continued driving . Once I got to my place she got out and went to her car to get her phone that she had apparently left in her car . After she got it she followed me inside to my room , I convinced her that she shouldn't be driving at this time of night so I told her she can stay here in my room . I just hope the boys don't interrupt anything that would be absolute  caous . Y/n was in the bathroom changing and getting ready for bed when the Boys! Came in .

T: aye bro
O: wtf are you doing
N: nothing why
O: I have y/n over
R: oooo you getting somewhere
O: look don't mention anything to her alr
Tb: fine

That's when y/n came in , all the boys were staring at her and I knew she was getting uncomfortable so I came up to her and tried to get the boys to act more like gentlemen at least .

O: boys this is y/n , y/n this is nick , Ryland , micheal , and my little brother Tony

Y: hi nice to meet you guys
Tb: nice to meet you too
O: great now you all know eachother but we are really tired so bye

I closed the door in their faces and turned back to y/n .

Y/n POV :

I was introduced to his friends but Ondre seemed nervous about them talking to me , he shut the door on them and turned to me ,

Y: what was that about ?
O: nothing they are just a little weird sorry if they made you uncomfortable
Y: no I meant you just shoving them out the door
O: oh um
Y: are you hiding something that deals with me
O: no I'm not I just was nervous I'm sorry
Y: it's fine now come on I'm tired

Ondres POV :

Phew thank goodness she let it go , she dragged me to bed and I lays down with her on the other side , after a few minutes she was asleep but was still a little awake if you know what I mean . She came to my side and snuggled her head into my neck and moved her body closer to mine , I smiled and snuggled her back . She fell asleep in my arms  and I fell asleep in hers ,

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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