Beachwood Café

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They say time goes fast when you're having fun, and slow when you're not. For me right now, time stands still. It's not because I don't have fun, but rather because I'm currently stuck with writers' block. I look over at the pastel pink calendar hanging on the wall. The meeting with my editor is in only two days, and I have nothing.

I stare at the screen of my MacBook for what feels like an eternity. When I realize I can't even write one sentence, I stand up from my desk and dump myself on my bed with a sight. The voice of my editor is like an annoying alarm in my head. "Your story needs some romantic tension, or your readers won't stay interested for long," she said at the last meeting.

The thing is, I know nothing about love. Sure, I've had a few crushes in middle school. My favourite genre to read and watch is romantic comedies. I still don't know anything about it. Less how to write about it. When I would write somewhat romantic stories in school, the characters never even kissed. Maybe hugged, and said "I love you" way too soon for their own good.

My first kiss was horrible. My childhood best friend and I were trying to convince our parents to let us have a sleepover. We decided to play snow white to impress them or whatever. To cut the story short, I was snow white and my friend's younger brother was the prince. Neither of us obviously wanted to kiss each other, but he wanted candy and I was being bossed around by my friend as usual. She never took no for an answer.

After screaming quietly down in my pillow, I come to the conclusion that I need a change of scenery. So I change out of my pink pyjama set with white clouds, and into what I would call a pretty casual outfit. A basic, white sweater and high waisted jeans. I put on my favourite necklace that I got for my birthday from my cousin. It's a gold chain with a tiny gold snake. The snake is kind of our symbol since both of us has had to deal with some really toxic people in our lives, and since both of us are obsessed with Taylor Swifts Reputation era.

I brush lightly through my brown hair, before putting it up in a slightly messy, high ponytail. With a quick look in the mirror, I decide that I don't really need that much makeup on. I'm only going on a nice walk either way. Some lipgloss and concealer, and I'm ready to go. I pick up my notebook, pencil case, phone and wallet and toss everything in my small, burgundy backpack.

Even though I sometimes wish I had a better view, I like having an apartment on the second floor; Just a quick run down two short stairs and I'm outside. The sky is mostly blue, but some grey clouds are lurking in the distance as I step out in the fresh air. I walk back in and up to bring my brown scarf just in case, before starting on my little walk. I love walking, cause I can let my mind wander as well. The best ideas and the most beautiful daydreams come while I'm walking.

Around forty minutes and three full pages of notes later, and most of the sky has now turned grey. I won't make it back home before it rains, so I better find a cute café or something, I think to myself. Lucky for me, there are loads of cute cafés around here. Especially one is piquing my interest as I read its name. Beachwood Café. Sounds perfect, I think and take a look inside of the windows.

The café is filled with bright colours and happy couples sitting close together while flirting over cups of coffee and plates with sweet pastries. The colour-theme is yellow and blue, which is quite unusual for a café. At least from my experience. It's something different about this small café, which makes it even more perfect.

As I walk in, the smell of sugar and coffee hits me in the face, making my stomach growl awfully loud. I feel my cheeks getting warm, while I look around to make sure no one else heard it. Lucky for me, all the couples are too invested in each other and the other boys are looking at their phone or talking to their friends. Most of the girls, and some of the boys, on the other hand, are for some reason very interested in the person before me in the line. Smiling at him and whispering. Some of them are even taking pictures of him. Confused, I look at him to see what all the fuzz is about.

Sunflower - H.S.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora