Life Is Funny Like That

Start from the beginning


I wake up in the thick heat of the afternoon and roll over in the sheets where I'm met with shirtless Harry who lays closely to me, his arms hugged around my torso. Sweat collects at his forehead and I feel my neck become hot as my body grows conscious of itself being awake.

How long was I asleep?

Did I fall asleep crying, or did I pass out from exhaustion?

What time is it?

I try to move from Harry but he wakes up instantly in a panic and a hot flush, his bare chest collecting sweat as he moves to me.

"What happened, are you okay?" He asks anxiously and in a state of nervousness.

"Yes Harry, I'm okay." I say and I press a soft kiss to his forehead, and he calms down, his hand resting on my thigh and he closes his eyes as I pull away.

"I'm getting some water. Do you want any?" I ask and he throws the covers off himself.

"I can get it..."

"No, I need to walk, baby. It's okay. I'll turn the air con on while I'm at it!" I say, holding my hand to his cheek and running small circles around his cheek bone which makes him sigh from relief.

"Okay." He says simply and I stand to my feet, moving through the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen. I take two glasses and fill them with the tap, looking out the window and onto the soft sunset that paints the sky pastel pinks and blues as the vibrant sun sinks deep into the ocean, setting each wave afire an orange glow. Such a perfect afternoon and I feel like I could throw up at any moment. I look down to the sink and notice the water overflowing from the glass and trickling down my hand. I turn off the tap and drink the excess from the glass. I place it on the counter, turning on the tap once more to fill the other and setting it beside the other glass.

I go to my handbag on the countertop and take a cigarette from the pack along with the silver flick back lighter. I walk to the glass door, sliding it open and moving outside to the grass. I sit down and feel the dewy earth beneath my palms. I place the cigarette in my mouth and shakily light it. I take a draw and lay back on the grass, looking to the sky that begins to welcome the night stars, offering them a place to glisten above my head. I hear footsteps from behind me and Harry plops himself down next to me on the grass. Smiling warmly down at me.

"I haven't seen you smoke in a little while." He says as he takes it from my mouth and takes a draw, holding it in his fingers after as he sits cross legged.

"Haven't needed to s'pose." I say softly.

"Haven't needed to or haven't wanted to?" He challenges and I raise my hand asking for the cigarette back. He places it between my fingers, and I press it to my lips, inhaling and exhaling, watching the smoke disappear just as quickly as it appeared in the air.

"I'm not sure, Harry." I say and he lays down next to me quietly. 

"Wanna know what I am sure of?" I speak up.

"Always." He responds.

"I'm sure I love you very, very much... I'm sure you're my best friend and I'm absolutely positive of how much I appreciate you." I say and he looks into my eyes with a straight face, but his eyes say it all. The softness of his eyes contrast with the tightness of his jaw.

"Are you okay?" He asks sternly.

"What? A girl can't tell someone how much she loves them without it being questioned as unsteady?" I say sarcastically.

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