♡ two

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"What they said was right Jaemi-ssi," Dr. Kim said, sighing. "The cataract in your eyes are getting thicker. That's the reason why everything you see is more blurred than before."

I looked down while fiddling with my fingers.

Why am I like this? I haven't done anything wrong to deserve this. I'm not even staying up late to read books or use the internet. Heck, I don't even know how to use the internet or a cellphone.

I felt warm hands on my shoulders and figured out quickly that it was Yoshi, massaging my shoulders and arms gently to calm me down.

"But Dr. Kim, it is still curable right?" Mom asked him with a desperate voice. "The medicines, the correctional glasses... maybe... maybe you can prescribe new medi---"

Dr. Kim cut her off. "I'm sorry but the medicines won't do anymore. Even the correctional glasses."

Silence filled the room and I could only feel disappointed in myself. The only people I have in my life are wasting their time on me. They are so worried about me that they don't have the time to enjoy life anymore.

It makes me so guilty and disappointed in myself.

"Will I be completely blind from then on?" I asked, still hanging my head low.

"You could," Dr. Kim said briefly.

I looked up and without knowing, me and Yoshi asked the same thing. "Could?"

"There's a way to take that cataract off your beautiful eyes, Jaemi-ssi." Dr. Kim said.

"What is it?" Mom asked, excitement and hope present in her voice.

Dr. Kim took a while before he softly replied to mom, "eye surgery."

Silence filled the room again.

"But it depends if you are okay with that miss Do. You and your daughter will be the one to decide." He said and then I heard a few shuffling of things.

I then heard a cabinet close and the scribbling sounds of pen and paper. He must be writing a prescription or something.

"Just a reminder, its the only way for her vision to go back to normal." Was the last thing he said before I heard mom sniffing.

"Thank you Dr. Kim..." she thanked him and then I felt Yoshi tap my shoulders, indicating me to stand up.

I bowed down to where a tall male figure in white stood and thanked him too. Yoshi did the same and we went out of the room.

"Yoshi-ah," I heard mom call to Yoshi softly. "I'm going to the bathroom, stay with her, okay?"

I think Yoshi only nodded. I then heard mom's sandals clicking on the floor, and then the sound turned faint in every second that passed by.

"Let's sit down," Yoshi said and I nodded.

He had his hand on my shoulder and another one on my hand as he walked me to where the bench is. He helped me sit down and when we did, he still didn't take his hands off me.

His hands are so warm and soft that it makes me forget what happened just earlier.

With him beside me I feel my problems fade away.

I laid my head and my back on his warm and lean chest. I relaxed and smiled.

I want to stay like this forever.

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

My brows crossed. "Why?"

"I can't do anything to help you..." he trailed off, sadness in his voice. "I'm so useless."

I spanked his chest lightly. "Don't say that. That's competely wrong."

"I want you to get better soon... yet I am of no help." He said and I felt him squeeze my hand.

I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand and closed my eyes.

"Just don't leave me and stay by my side... that's enough."

♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡

A/N: okay soooo I made this fanfic and this plot cuz Yoshinori is literally an angel. Well, they all are, but specially Yoshi, we all know that 😍💕

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