Chapter Two - You Will Not Harm The Midgardian

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  • Dedicated to Loki Fans Near And Far

'Loki...Loki, are you paying attention to anything to anything I am saying to you?' Odin said, standing outside the magical protective veil that separated Loki from the thousands of guards adorned in golden armour that assured Asgaard that none of the many convicted criminals escape.

'Loki, look at me whan I an talking to you.' Odin's patience was wearing thin with Loki, who was laying apon his luxurious bed reading a novel. To be perfectly honest, Odin believed that Loki was being treated too well, considering his his sentence and current situation, he should not have hand-crafted furniture, books to pass his jail-time, and a comfortable kind sized bed to sleep in. Odin had noticed the many menacing stares and snarlls from the other cellmates, and even with Loki's rage and hatred towards Odin, he fears for Loki's life in the cells.

No one has ever escaped from the Asgardian dungeons before, but to many of the convicted, it would be an incredibly enjoyable task to many men, women and creatures sentenced to life in the cells, to kill Loki, as he had a hand in putting manyin the dungeon, and due to his many tricks and illusions deemed "annoying and much-hated", Loki Loki had been crowned with a target on his head to the Nine Realm's creatures of the criminal underworld.

Loki sighed and laid the book beside him on the green silk sheets. He then sat up, faking much resistence as he rose. Loki looked at Odin with a face of annoyance and intended condescendance.

'Ah, Odin, yes,' Loki stretched his arms above his head and cracking his neck. 'What were you saying? I wasn't listening. The book of Midgardian poetry was a better read than the words you were attempting to use as a conversation. How long is your prison visit?'

'Loki, do not attempt to annoy me. I am trying to talk to you about the Midgardian physician.' Odin rubbed his wiery eye.

'I don't think that a doctor from Earth will help me in anyway, Odin. I am pretty sure my health is at it's full capacity,' Loki swung his legs over the edge of the bed. 'Though, thank you for the heart-warming concern. Really, it touches my frozen, beastly heart.'

'Loki, please cease all meaningless conversation that exit your lie-twisting mouth.' Odin snapped. 'You are to meet the physician today. Your first meeting iis at noon, and the palace guards will escort you to the meeting room.' Odin leaned forward so that his forhead was nearly touching the golden veil. 'But if you even touch this man, I swear to you I will keep my threat that I hold over you. And I mean this Loki.'

'Of course you do, Odin.' Loki sprang off the bed, and holding his hands behind his back and casually pacing in front of the great king in his beautifully adorned holding cell. 'And I have no intentions on hurting the weakling doctor at all, so please, save your menacing words for threatening another poor soul.'

'You will attend these meetings without any hassles, and you will do as the doctor says. It is in your better interests and future involvement in your existence.' Odin stepped away from the cell, intending on leaving. 'You have ten minutes before noon, so get ready.'

'There is no need. I am already ready to proceed.' Loki smiled and bowed, practically leaking sarcasm. 'Oh, gracious king, you are too kind apon my miserable life!'

Odin grumbled to himself and walked away from the cell, which held his adopted son captive. He could not believe that he had entrusted the help and wise council from a mortal. It was Thor's idea all along. He had words with his "mortal girlfriend", and she had suggested this to him, with much convincing that Loki can be salvaged from the miserable and angry shell that once held the happy, mischevous and fun-loving Loki Odinson.

Now all that remains, with help from his murder spree on New York, is a cold and heartless Frost Giant bastard child, who's future was to die at the hands of the chilling and ruthless ice wastelands of Jotumheim.

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