I'm so sorry for the late updates, I love all of you <3

Start from the beginning

And it did make him feel better about himself, boosted his confidence on his face and his skin. The next problem was his weight. Lance had always been a skinny kid, lanky, but a healthy weight for his age and height. Although some complications started at 14, where he was hitting puberty and his hormones were an absolute mess.

Lance was diagnosed with depression a couple months after turning 15, followed by anorexia nervosa a couple months later. The farthest iit got was when you could see his ribs slightly when he was standing, when he stretched you could see every single one and count them fair and square.

Although it got that bad in space, the pressure of being a paladin triggered it. But it never got to the point where his skin fit wrong with his body, the thigh gap itself being bigger than one of his thighs.

But he did lose some hair, more than his hair snapping when he brushed it in the shower because of his curls. He did feel light headed, pass out sometimes, and feel completely exhausted. But he could never bring himself to eat more than 2 meals, he’d always chug water, and workout.

Because he wanted to be attractive.

Lance always looked up to Keith, absolutely stunning to the point where he had Lance McClain slobbering all over his feet. How he idolized him and saw how nice his body was. And Lance could now feel it, he could feel how Keith’s body would carry the weight and evenly distribute fat and muscle.

But the best part of all would be the lack of hunger. It didn’t feel like his stomach was trying to digest itself, or nagging him and sending painful twinges of pain every once in a while. He felt free. Quite literally, reborn.

And Lance started crying, not even caring for the small group of people staring at his back. He quickly wiped the tears with the red sleeves of Kei- his jacket.

“Sooo, how will we make this work? Do we call you by your appearances or..?”

“It’s gonna be the same as before.”

“I don’t think a few hours will be enough for me to get accustomed to it.”

“It won’t be necessary, I’ll be at the training room same as usual.”

“Keith, be careful with my body.”

“Same to you pretty boy.” Lance blushed, his skin was now a pale white, and anyone could see the obvious rosy spots in his cheek. Keith’s eyes widened in surprise, but he acted like he didn’t see it.

“I’ll take good care of if alright. A whole skin routine coming right up.” And both boys exited the room, leaving the alteans to do the same thing with Shiro and Hunk.


Keith noted 3 things down the second he was in Lance’s body. 

1. Holy shit did he feel like he could conquer the world, Lance was taller than he saw him like
2. Pain, his stomach hurt like a bitch
3. He felt lighter, skinnier

Keith crossed his arms, leaning into the wall before jumping up in alarm as he felt his fingers feel his ribs slightly, he almost pulled up his shirt before remembering everybody in the room with him. He zoned out for most of the small chit chat, announcing he’ll go train. He walked out the metal doors with Lance alongside him, and Keith decided he’ll take a slight detour to his room. 

“Hey, weren’t you going to train?” 

“Yeah, I just wanna check something out in my room.” Keith heard Lance audibly gulp, noticing his hands shaking before he crossed arms, keeping them both tucked in and out of view.


They changed directions, Lance going to what Keith assumed was to his room and Keith to his own. The doors opened with a soft whoosh, locking behind him once he was inside. Keith sighed taking off Lance’s- his?? Jacket, plopping it into the bed.

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