Quiet Reader x Umeji

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Your POV

I see the delinquents and whimper as I walk past them watering plants

"Hey why are you watering dumb plants" I hear Dairoku say

I stay quiet

"HEY ARE YOU MUTE OR DEAF" Hayanari screams

"Neither" I say quietly

"N-Nari it's not good to make fun of that" Umeji says and it sounds sounded like he was looking at Hokuto who was both Mute and deaf


I look over and see Hokuto with a confused look as Dairoku kisses his forehead gently

"SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Umeji screams as the other four leave

"N-Nothing Umeji-Kun" I whimper trying not to cry

"Hey what's wrong" he says softly

"Umm maybe I'm scared of you Umeji-Kun" I say

"Uhhh yes I get it" He says softly

"GOOD" I scream at him kicking him in the gut

"Ahhh" he groans and holds his stomach throwing up and I saw nothing at all in his throw up

"Why is there no food in it at all" I say softly

"W-What's f-food" he says softly I look at him with a shocked look was he being abused

"What do you mean what's food" Its something you eat" I tell him

"What's eating" He says softly

"When you shove something into your mouth and chew it and swallow it" I tell him

"Ok" He says softly

"Hey um do you know what love is or means"I ask him

"N-No what is it" He says softly

"Damn it it's when you get loved and cared for" I answer him getting aggravated I then notice blood in his throw up

"Umeji I have a crush on you" I say softly

"I have a crush on you" he says gently kissing me


Hey sorry it sucked at the end

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