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Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had been married for two years now and they were having a  mindless argument when Tsukishima noticed something. Yamaguchi was an omega and very emotional so he was prone to dropping.

Dropping is quite literally what it sounds like, when an omega gets worked up or especially tired they get very dizzy and all of a sudden it gets harder to breathe while their vision clouds. When the dropping occurs the Omega's eyes and skin go very white and everything become sort of fuzzy, Like everything is far away. A good way to get an omega back quickly as by scenting them and making them feel safe. Tsukishima had noticed the subtle pauses for breath, cloudy corners of the eyes, and slight shaking. He paled at this realization that his mate had begun the descent into dropping. He quickly but, he shushed and took Yama to the couch but before he could sit him down yams let a  long drawn out whine out  and fell limp Kei's strong arms. Tsukishima quickly set Yama's unconscious body onto the gray couch and jogged into the master bedroom to set a warm bath for the Omega knowing he would be sore and have a headache once he woke up from the surprising slumber. Once that was done he went back to the couch and did a couple things.he called Suga so I could document it on the drop-down board and then scented Dashi all over his small body. After a couple minutes he noticed the signs of waking up in Yamaguchi's self so tsukki decided it was best for him to wake up in the warm bath then to wake up on a cold couch. He swiftly but caringly gather tadashi into his arms and walked to the bath, after undressing the both of them he settled into the water with Yama braced on against his chest, half awake. When yams opened his eyes he took it out of a couple things happening the first was a feeling of two calloused hands gently massaging everywhere they could , the sound of soft praise is being spoken to him, and the warmth and safety he felt while this was going on. He soon realized that he was in a bath and kei was behind him.Tsukishima had realized at this point that Yamaguchi was awake but instead of bombarding him with questions he decided to keep the serenity and wait for yama to talk first. Yeah I started the conversation by asking how long he was out in the conversation took off from there. By the time they were done with their conversation it was 30 minutes later and they were both relax and calm. They got out of the bathtub and tsukishima carried his husband to the couch to cuddle and watch a nice movie.

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