"We are not in a haste, we have to stick together." Emmett softly reminded him.

"And this is why I like you, grey eyes. But I'd go in first, just in case." The boy looked down in contemplation.

"Are you sure?" Emmett couldn't help but ask again.

"Trust me, will you? I am quite experienced in this." He commented whilst gesturing to himself with a smirk.

"I did not mean to doubt you, I apologise for that." Emmett sighed.

"It is all right, so you know what to do, grey eyes?" He asked, as he gingerly crouched onto the ground, ready to do as planned.

"Yes, I will wait for your signal to move," Emmett told him, earning a nod from the boy as he observed his actions.

"Good. See you on the other side, then mate." He said as he winked at him making Emmett chuckle at his dramatic words.

Moonlight mooning, the sky was veneered in the plum, mauve hues of the eventide like shimmering bedecked pearled silvers etched into each strand of this sable shaded, shining evening dress of the Moon Maiden, lazily swirling the beams of light across the World, as they struck his ethereal features in the hindsight. As he deliberately descended, thoroughly supporting his weight by deliberately holding the rocks, Emmett couldn't help but sharply inhale at the dangerous sight that awaited him, if he lost his balance, which he had hoped against hope that he wouldn't, ever then he'd be done for.  Breathlessly, he observed, whilst fumbling with his fingers, eyes steadily transfixed on his form. God, he couldn't possibly live without him, he thought to himself, restlessly yet rhythmically tapping his foot against the gravelled ground, hoping, praying and prying, wild-eyed. 

"You can come in now, darlin'. Be extra careful on those rocks though, since they can prove to be quite slippery, especially at this point of time." The stranger called out, as he steadily held himself for a moment before repeating his actions and slowly making his way down.

"Yes, I will." Emmett sighed as he tried to derive some strength from nature itself and briskly stepped onto the rocks.

"Careful, take it one step at a time, grey eyes. Feel for space and then step down." The boy advised as he observed Emmett's actions.

"Thank you!" Emmett breathed out as he tried to follow his words.

"Anything for you, darlin'." He told him, making him smile.

Just as he had adjusted his position and was going to descend from the cliff, he was interrupted by a thunderously loud voice, that echoed in his surroundings like a thunderbolt, frightening him to the core. Aghast, Emmett had abruptly lost his balance, too astounded to conceive the notion that they had been caught, which understandably sounded unusual, because Emmett surely wasn't up to anything that had been morally deemed as wrong. He couldn't think straight until he felt his hand; he was supporting him, he had saved him, Emmett couldn't fathom this, at all.

"Hold on, lad. I have got you, just hold onto the rock for me, yeah?"

"Y-es." Emmett stuttered.

"Grey eyes I-" He started but suddenly, he was cut off as he lost his balance, and let out a scream.

"No-" Emmett shrieked horrified, as he turned around to glance at him and tried to reach for his hand.

The once jaded gems of visceral Vili's earth, that had reflected Jupiter's sanctity, purity and divinity, were fading, his usually calm, orbs full of delight that imbued the radiating magnificence of the setting diamond in the stellar sky, were faltering, the incomprehensibly golden boy, resembled every little, capriciously detailed phenomena of the Universe, when he had glimmered inconspicuously, encompassing the light like the Titan Hyperion befitting the life as a watcher and father of  Dawn, Sun and Moon, was flying away from him and he could do nothing.

Evanescent, he was a tenuous, temporary phenomenon of the Galaxy; an indent shortlived and fleeting simply withering away like wane Wintertide's Wintermoon. Like the Star that had scorched sentiently once, which was feverishly festered to be set aflame, was slowly flaming out dwindling into embers of his essence, blanched out to bless and burn away into the heavens. Shattering shards of a heart that he had, saliently succeeded in a silent stinging, voraciously spreading across his limbs like an infectious incense, his pain was unequalled, incomprehensibly fateful to him and his overwrought senses. Heartbreak heart ebbed away at his psyche, numbing his grey orbs, engulfing his life with the help of the colossally calamitous tides, all washing over him.

"NO------!" Emmett yelled out, struggling to cope up with his loss as he heard him crashing.

"Emmett." A man suddenly came into his view, breathlessly staring at the boy.

"Arthur?" Emmett gasped out.

"Emmett, take my hand, it will be all right, son." The kind man offered, crouching down to help him.

"No, he is-he needs help, okay? He needs help, please, help me." Emmett blubbered out, shaking his head at the prospect.

"Emmett, it is too dangerous, please take my hand." Arthur beckoned, reaching his hand.

"PLEASE! HE NEEDS HELP!" Emmett screamed in hysterics, begging to help him.

"Emmett, come on, mate. We need to go." He pulled his hand with all his might, dragging him up.

"No, what are you doing? Let go of me." Emmett demanded, putting up a fight.

"It will be all right, son. I have got you, I have got you." Arthur consoled him as he successfully pulled him up.

"HOW DARE YOU? IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT. I NEED TO SAVE HIM." Emmett was furious, as he shoved him, eyes blazing with fire.

"Emmett, listen to me-" He started.

"I need to help him, he could be breathing, he could be still alive. He needs my help. I need to help him." Emmett mumbled to himself, his mind was in a chaotic mess.

"Emmett, please-" Arthur pleaded.

"----- can you hear me? -----?" Emmett neared the cliff top, calling out for him.

"Emmett-" Arthur heavily sighed as he approached him.

"I will save you, I will save you, I will save you." Emmett chanted desperately to himself.

"EMMETT LISTEN TO ME-" Arthur yelled, trying to snap his attention.

"I will save you, I will save you, I promise, I will save you." He told him, shaking his head repeatedly.

"EMMETT, EMMETT, SON. LISTEN TO ME, THERE IS NO ONE OUT THERE." Arthur shook him, eyes looking in concern at his form as he had finally gained Emmett's attention who had naturally failed to comprehend his words. 


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