"But, we need to be careful, I do not mind climbing down at an exceedingly slow pace, but we need to be extremely cautious whilst doing so." Emmett looked at him sternly.

"Yes, Captain." The stranger stated mockingly.

"And also, I wanted to say something to you," Emmett added, momentarily stopping the boy from chasing after his adventurous aspirations.

"You do not need my permission to speak something, darlin'. Just get on with it." He encouraged him.

"I...I love you." Emmett sputtered out, fondly looking up at him.

"And I love you, grey eyes." He responded with a chaste kiss, before ruffling Emmett's much-dishevelled bird-nest.

Anxiously, he was incapacitated to comprehend the innermost instrumental mainstay or linchpin that could resort to help them if something dastardly was to take place due to their ambitiously motivated state of mind. Negligence was irresponsible, irresolute, a fool's errand impetuously driven by the spine and audaciously undertaken but not foolproof as opposed to what a rational mind could think and do, this was, but a theatrical vaudeville in pursuit of some titillated tickle of thrill  but Emmett had given him his word and he was not one to judge, he told himself as he observed the aforementioned fool that had quite caught his fancy, he supposed.

Begrudgingly, Emmett had halted in front of him as he prepared himself to necessitate his rock-climbing skills. Wordlessly, he had draped his black leather jacket onto the expanse of Emmett's shoulder, conclusively making him shiver at his the sudden impact; an expressionate feeling the stranger, could noticeably conceive but he had decidedly thought to ignore, as he stared at him, admiring his overall look.

"This jacket suits well on you. But these grey eyes, are incredibly innocent to be cloaked by this or for their sweet, sparkling energy to be concealed by such means, but surely, I don't want them to because you are ephemeral, and I, wouldn't like to change a thing about you, darlin'." The stranger softly worded his thoughts, gently clutching Emmett's shoulders as if he was talking to himself and the boy was posing as a hindrance.

"I can-" Emmett started but he was shushed by his finger, which delicately traced the outline of his lip as if entranced by this artistic creation of nature.

"Shhh, I am not done yet. I want you to safeguard this for me for the rest of our lives because this singular piece of clothing might not mean much to anyone, but it means everything to me and holds a special memory that I'd like to cherish through you, grey eyes. Because you are, my favourite, still living memory, and I wish, I could capture these eyes in a time frame and hold it near to where my heart is, in case we don't get to live our forever, together." He looked at him almost nostalgically.

"My future is tied to you, and whatever it might be, I cannot bring myself to part with you. No matter." Emmett emphasised, determined to make it work.

"No matter, eh?" He looked at him amused.

"Yes, no matter the high and low of the tides influenced by the Moon's loving might, we'd make it through. We are like two riptides in this whirlpool of life, and like two undercurrents of this oceanic oyster, we'd always meet at the shore, now and forever." Emmett exhaled, leaning into his touch as he looked into his eyes, drinking in the sight.

"Riptides sounds heavenly to me." He mused, grinning like a lunatic at his words.

"So, are well set to go?" Emmett quipped as he bit his lips, mirroring his smile.

"Yes, I can see a rope down there, so maybe if I can reach there first, I can be of some help to you afterwards." He glanced at the quarry, motioning towards the rope as Emmett gave him a nod.

The Boy Without A NameWhere stories live. Discover now